How do I write a proper bugreport?
We can't fix anything we don't know about. Since most bugs are edgecases we didn't find while playtesting, it's almost impossible
to find every single one prior to release. That is why we need you to make short and accurate Bugreports about the problems you encounter.
In the following guide I'll explain how to make a proper Bugreport, allowing Staff to quickly fix everything and get you raking in some more Freelo
Step 1: Updating your Libraries
Update all your libraries and redownload the scripts you're using. Most Bugs occur from a failed AutoUpdate or similar.
Make sure to have the update function in your loader ticked. (check spoiler) Every time you start GoS Loader all your libs
will update to their newest version without any input from you. There's really no reason to ever untick this unless told otherwise.
Test if the bug is still there. If yes, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Preparations
Write the error message down. It's best to make a Screenshot of it to guarantee everything's correct.
Lightshot, Gyazo, Puush and the Snipping Tool all work great for this. If you have problems setting any of these programs up
feel free to PM one of the supports AnhDuc or Viridian. They will guide you through everything.
Step 3: the Thread
Make sure you have a clean title which represents the problem. A good one looks like this:
"[EUW] Ezreal ADCMain by Noddy - global "Vector" nil"
Accurate titles help more than you think. The more information you give us, the better. Answer the following questions below
and everything we need to know should be included. If you have any special notes and observations, make sure to also write them down.