My second script
High Noon Jhin v1.0.0
Approved. Do not own Jhin; however, im sure the people on the forums have him and will provide feedback.
Will test later on. Thread design 10/10
tested op !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but no r comb?
but no r comb?
Please read the thread
gREAT SCRIPT SO FAR, i HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ONE... and It seems I had caps, anyway I can't wait for R functions. W does not always cast and traps are placed on the feet of the enemy, in my option this is quite bad, like I said W does not always cast and if the traps are placed on there feet they can easily walk out of it, I should make sure that they have a stack and then E+W. Anyway great work and keep it up. Aahhh also vs mele it should help a lot if the traps were placed like near me and not on top of them, for defensive measures xD
Also, just played another game, can u make it so Jhin will E+W when someone is like stunned or rooted? Lets say on morgana binding etc
Tried to turn off auto e in combo and anti-gapcloser but he still autocast's it?
Edit: other than that it's a really good script
Approuved , This script is very Good , didnt even know you could do some combo xD
does it stop walking while reload happening for anyone else?
does it stop walking while reload happening for anyone else?
it just a reload problem. Graves Fine 2 reload ammo.
if i only had jhin... *cries* xD
i mean, you can still click to move while reloading, but holding space to do combos and orbwalking will cause you to stop moving during reload :/
Any idea if this is still up to date?
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