Post last modified 20th April 2023.(Check the latest post.)
MenuElement - Class
MenuElement({}) -- initial call; returns instance
possible properties of the input table:
- id = "string", can be omitted but then it will not save
- name = "string"
- type = MENU|PARAM|SPACE, for PARAM type can be omitted
- leftIcon = "string" [URL!], -> icon displayed on the left, 100% menu height
- rightIcon = "string" [URL!] -> automatically converts param to boolean, 50% menu height
- icon = "string" [URL!] -> icon displayed on the right, e.g. sub menu, 100% menu height
- value =
-> true|false, creates boolean param
-> number, creates slider param
-> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"] [+ identifier = "string"]
-> drop = {"string"[, "string", ...]}
-> table {"number", "number"}, creates min/max slider param
-> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"]
- color = "color", creates color param
-> Draw.Color(integer)
-> Draw.Color(hex)
-> Draw.Color(alpha, red, green, blue)
-> Draw.Color(hue, saturation, lightness)
- key = "number", creates key param
- toggle = "boolean", defaults to false, used to make a toggle key param
- callback = "function"
-> gets called on param change with changed value as input
- onKeyChange = "function"
-> gets called on key change with changed key as input
- onhover = "function"
-> gets called on param hover with the param as input
- onclick = "function"
-> gets called on param click with the param as input
- tooltip = "string"
-> gets displayed on hover
creates submenu
-> if called without newVal it returns the current value
-> if called with newVal it'll set the current value to newVal and return it
instance:Sprite(which[, url])
-> which = "string"; "leftIcon"|"rightIcon"|"icon"
-> if called without url it returns the current sprite
-> if called with url it'll set the current sprite to that url
-> if called without bool it'll toggle the hide property between true|false and return it
-> if called with bool it'll set the hide property to that value and return it
-> this will permanently remove the MenuElement
local menu = MenuElement({id = "myMenu", name = "This is my Menu", type = MENU})
menu:MenuElement({id = "bool", name = "My boolean Value", value = true})
menu:MenuElement({id = "slide", name = "My slider", value = 0.7, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1})
menu:MenuElement({id = "space", name = "This will get hidden on mouse click", type = SPACE, onclick = function() end})
Callback.Add("Tick", function()
PrintChat("My bool: "..tostring(menu.bool:Value()).."; My slider: "";")
Vector - Class
Vector(...) -- initial call; returns instance
() => 'nullvector' => (0, 0, 0)
({x = 100, y = 100}) => (xy-table) => (100, 100)
({x = 100, y = 0, z = 100}) => (xyz-table) => (100, 0, 100)
(100, 0, 100) => (number, number, number) => (100, 0, 100)
({x = 0, y = 50, z = 75}, {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}) => (startVec, endVec) => (100, 50, 25)
.x -- the x value
.y -- the y value
.z -- the z value
.onScreen -- for 2D vectors
:To2D() -- returns screenpos from Vector3 (alias ToScreen)
:ToMM() -- returns minimap position from Vector3
:Clone() -- returns a new vector
:Unpack() -- returns x, y, z
:DistanceTo(Vector) -- returns distance to another vector or, if ommited, myHero
:Len() -- returns length
:Len2() -- returns squared length
:Normalize() -- normalizes a vector
:Normalized() -- creates a new vector, normalizes it and returns it
:Center(Vector) -- center between 2 vectors
:CrossProduct(Vector) -- cross product of 2 vectors (alias: CrossP)
:DotProduct(Vector) -- dot product of 2 vectors (alias: DotP)
:ProjectOn(Vector) -- projects a vector on a vector
:MirrorOn(Vector) -- mirrors a vector on a vector
:Sin(Vector) -- calculates sin of 2 vector
:Cos(Vector) -- calculates cos of 2 vector
:Angle(Vector) -- calculates angle between 2 vectors
:AffineArea(Vector) -- calculates area between 2 vectors
:TriangleArea(Vector) -- calculates triangular area between 2 vectors
:RotateX(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around x axis
:RotateY(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around y axis
:RotateZ(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around z axis
:Rotate(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- rotates vector
:Rotated(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- creates a new vector, rotates it and returns it
:Polar() -- returns polar value
:AngleBetween(Vector, Vector) -- returns the angle formed from a vector to both input vectors
:Compare(Vector) -- compares both vectors, returns difference
:Perpendicular() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° right
:Perpendicular2() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° left
:Extend(Vector, distance) -- extends a vector towards a vector
:Extended(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, extends it and returns it
:Shorten(Vector, distance) -- shortens a vector towards a vector
:Shortened(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, shortens it and returns it
:Lerp(Vector, delta) -- creates a new vector, lerps it towards vector by delta
Sprite - Class
Sprite(path, scale)
Sprite(path, scaleX, scaleY)
properties (READ-ONLY):
.x -- the x value
.y -- the y value
.pos -- Vector2
.path -- file path
.width -- the width
.height -- the height
.scale -- the scale
.color -- the color
:Draw() -- draws the sprite at .pos
:Draw(Vector2) -- draws the sprite at Vector2
:Draw(x, y) -- draws the sprite at x y
:Draw({x, y, w, h}, Vector2) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at Vector2
:Draw({x, y, w, h}, x, y) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at x y
:SetScale(scale) -- sets a sprite's scale
:SetScale(scaleX, scaleY) -- sets a sprite's scale
:SetPos(Vector2) -- sets a sprite's pos
:SetPos(x, y) -- sets a sprite's pos
:SetColor(Color) -- sets a sprite's color
-- not callable by user
.handle -- use for missile owner/target check
.chnd --use for camp handle
.targetID --Turret Target
.hudMaxAmmo --used for Jhin/Graves bullets or Annie stun or even Kled mount health; use with caution on other champs because it's not always 0 by default
.isImmortal --works for zhonya and kayle ulti ++
.isTargetableToTeam --works for turrets
.isCampUp -- for jungle camps only
.valid -- for units only
.attackData -- for units only
.target -- GameObject handle
.attackDelayOffsetPercent -- used for calculating animationTime
.attackDelayCastOffsetPercent -- used for calculating windUpTime
.levelData -- for heroes only
.valid --always use this to check if it's casting
.startPos -- Vector
.placementPos -- Vector
.target -- GameObject handle
.activeSpellSlot --use this to determine which spell slot was activated for ".activeSpell"
.isChanneling --use this to determine if ".activeSpell" is actually a spell, otherwise it's autoattack
.missileData -- for missiles only
.name -- string
.owner -- GameObject handle
.target -- GameObject handle
.startPos -- Vector
.endPos -- Vector
.placementPos -- Vector
.bonusDamagePercent -- for minions only
.flatDamageReduction -- for minions only
.pathing --returns waypoints for unit
functions: -- for units only
.castTime -- time the spell was casted last
:GetPrediction(speed,delay) --Vector
number --Collision Count
:IsValidTarget(range,team check,source or pos) -- returns a boolean
:GetPath(index) --returns a vector
Draw API: {
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width)
Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width)
CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color)
Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height)
Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height, Color)
Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height)
Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, Color)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width)
Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width, Color)
Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (a, r, g, b); Returns Color
Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (hex); Returns Color
Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (unsigned); Returns Color
Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (h, s, l); Returns Color
Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (); Returns Color
Default Color is White.
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, x, y)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color, Font)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, Vector2)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color)
Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color, Font)
Font = Creates a drawable Font; Input: (path, fontName)
FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize); Return {width, height}
FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize, Font); Return {width, height}
Control API: {
LeftClick = Executes a left mouse click; Input: (XYTable | x, y)
RightClick = Executes a right mouse click; Input: (XYTable | x, y)
CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte)
CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte, GameObject)
CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y) --screen position
CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y, z)
CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, Vector3)
Move = Sends a move command towards mousePos; Input: none
Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y) --screen position
Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y, z)
Move = Sends a move command; Input: (Vector3)
Attack = Sends an attack command; Input: (GameObject)
IsKeyDown = Check for a key being held down; Input: none; Return bool
SetCursorPos = Sets the cursor position; Input: (Object | Vector3 | Vector2 | x, y) Return: bool
KeyDown = Holds down a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool
KeyUp = Releases up a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool
mouse_event = Sends a mouse click (down or up, depending on flag); Input: (byte) Return: bool
Game API: {
MyHero = Input none; Returns myHero
Resolution = Input none; Returns Resolution as Vector
FPS = Input none; Returns the total FPS
IsOnTop = Input none; Return true/false if Game is on top
IsChatOpen = Input none; Return true/false if chat is open
Timer = Input none; Return the Game Timer
mapID = The current map ID
HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count
Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index
ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index
HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count
Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index
CampCount = Input none; Return the total Camp Count
Camp = Input (index); Return the Camp at index
TurretCount = Input none; Return the total Turret Count
Turret = Input (index); Return the Turret at index
MissileCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
Missile = Input (index); Return the Object at index
ParticleCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
Particle = Input (index); Return the Object at index
MinionCount = Input none; Return the total Minion Count
Minion = Input (index); Return the Minion at index
WardCount = Input none; Return the total Wards Count
Ward = Input (index); Return the Wards at index
ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index
GetObjectByNetID = Input (networkID); returns the object with the networkID requested
Latency = Input none; Returns the game latency (ping)
CanUseSpell = Input (spell index); Returns the state of a specific spell
mousePos = alias to the global mouse pos; Return Vector3
cursorPos = alias to the global cursor pos; Return Vector2
Callback API: {
Add = Adds a new Callback; Input: (iType, function); Return: callbackID
Del = Deletes a callback, Input: (iType, callbackID)
iTypes: {
"WndMsg", -- (msg, wParam)
"ProcessRecall" -- (unit, proc)
Global Constants:
ITEM_7 --(trinket)
HK_ITEM_7 --(trinket)
HK_TCO -- Target Champions Only
HK_LUS -- Level Up Spell Hotkey
HK_MENU -- Hotkey for the LUA Menu
MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN --used by mouse_event
cursorPos (Vector2)
mousePos (Vector3)
myHero (GameObject)
Global Functions:
PrintChat(message) -- prints one string
print(...) -- prints everything
DumpDocumentation("api.lua") -- writes this text to a file