Game Helpers Inferno
Current state: OFF
Please, read the message below.Hello everyone, and welcome into this topic, where you can find Helpers for various champions!
What is Helpers you ask? It is a small scripts, that automates up to four (but usually one or two) summoner skills in a proper way!
Also Helpers can help you to improve your targetting abilities!
Is this legit? HELL NO! Of course, all those scripts don't have Orbwalker inside, but they are still powerful enough!
Every script have in-game help menu, so you can see all keys without opening the lua file or browser!
Also all scripts have HUD, that is tweaked for 1920x1080 monitor size, so be careful!
So, if you are want to play with all those, then you need one library: deLibrary.
You can download it here: Go to forum topic
Then, download any helper from below. To use any of those, open your testscript1.lua file (I hope you know where it located), and write only one string... (your file must be done from only one string)
pcall( require, "Helper_" .. GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) )You are done! Now you need to download the Helper you want and place it inside Scripts/Common folder, as you did it with deLibrary.
You need to name any helper like: Helper_<champname>.lua, so -> Garen -> Helper_Garen.lua
Through, if it for some reason not working, write string manually:
require 'Helper_Garen'List of available Helpers below. You can find all features, download links, and etc.
And, before you start. Some things can be changed in scripts, like essential values.
If script for some reason works badly, then open Lua and tweak values for your sake.
Aatrox v1.05
Garen v1.02
Katarina v1.00
Soraka v1.15
Tryndamere v1.00
Twisted Fate v1.10
Viktor v1.00
Hope you will have good time with my Helpers.
Enjoy every your game! ...and maybe, ban-free plays
When each milestone is hit, new helper released within 1 day.
When each yellow milestone is hit, something possibly great incomes. Like helper with new functions, or something absolutely fantastic (like upgrading deLibrary to do uber things)
When each red milestone is hit...