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EUW Account UnCheap lvl30 lvl 30 level ranked Ranked Ready

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Hi there!


I wanna buy an account in EUW

Email needs to be Unverified so I can activate my own e-mail on it.

thats atleast lvl30 !

need to be unranked or above Gold ELO with High MMR.

if it is unranked it need to have atleast 20 champs to be ready for ranked and if yes need to have some ad carrys/marksmans (atleast Vayne)

its also fine if you have +20 champs with more adc's if not than it need to have like +40 champs atleast

I will not give more than 30$/€ for it

and my transaction will be from PayPall.

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pm me

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: EUW, Account, UnCheap, lvl30, lvl, 30, level, ranked, Ranked, Ready

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