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Xerath Main Guide - Freelo

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So, you like Xerath huh? Well fun fact. Did you know that Using GOS and a little bit of your brain can enable you to reach Diamond-master’s Elo with ease? All you must do Is play Xerath lol.



So, a key aspect of playing most champions tends to be the runes you end up using. Xerath has several different playstyles but I will be covering a slightly less known rune page (unless you go onto the Xerath reddit)



  • Electrocute
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eye Ball Collection
  • Ravenous Hunter

Sorcery -

  • Transendence
  • Gathering Storm

As you can see these runes may look a tad strange but trust me. If we consider that you will rarely miss skill or ulti shot's you can easily proc electrocute and destroy an enemy. This also has the advantage of putting people of guard as not many people think a sane person would bring domination as their main tree for Xerath.


Now onto the Pro's and Cons of being a Xerath Player



  • High Damage
  • Great Scaling
  • Great Range
  • Pretty Decent CC


  • Skill Shot Reliant
  • Squishy
  • Tends to be focused in team fight's.
  • People will flame you when you beat them

Know. We can look at his abilities.

Q-Arcanopulse. A long-range beam that goes through multiple target's. Your main source of DMG.

W- Eye of Destruction. A semi long range AOE attack that slows targets near the center of the blast.

E- Shocking Orb. A ranged stun that stuns the longer it flies for. Useful to get a few AA's on a target or stop them from escaping. Can also be a anti Ganking tool.

R - Rite of the Arcane. An artillery ultimate that has 3 blasts but increases to 5 at rank 16. They deal high DMG and it has insane range. Great for escaping enemies or engaging 


Now your script will most likely combo all this which will result in you kicking ass. Combine that with the Elec proc with all your abilities and your enemy will rage quite often.


Now Matchups is a common discussion with Xerath players as sometimes they feed miserably due to ‘trick counters’ What I mean by this is they are too afraid of things like yas etc, so they hide behind tower and end up feeding yas. My advice for this is to pretty much poke them till low than ulti. If your trendy you could include a Few AA’s too.


In terms of building pretty much your standard AP items will fare well. Stuff like rabadons morellicon always work and I recommend taking a void staff if they have a tank **** on their team.

This concludes my guide. I hope you enjoyed reading and feel free to suggest future guides for me to do.

Edited by wilburforce666, 01 August 2018 - 09:50 .

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what it will feel like for the enemy



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Nice guide, thank you! :)

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Pretty useful, thanks :)

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Dont forget to abuse his range and always engage from distance (where enemies cant dmg you)

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Hell yeah Nice guide! and RMAN hope to be able to use WR sometime soon as well! i love the draven its too good!

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dumb post. u will get banned after 1 day so how will u reach diamond?

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dumb post. u will get banned after 1 day so how will u reach diamond?

Hate to bump this. But the neat thing about EXT is that it tends to be UD. Atleast used to be I am unaware of it's correct state. So it is fairly easy to use Lazy Xerath and climb

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Which scripts is best for xerath?

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Which scripts is best for xerath?

Lazy Xerath
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Lazy Xerath

Hello do this method work for silver players

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Hello do this method work for silver players

Yeah, it's for you ;) If you're stuck in silver you can not climb with Lazy Xerath.

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