Many people have been asking me on discord about my GoS configuration and my in-game settings. Here is my current setup, compared to the first one Aristo has in his tier list this one is much better. I will try keeping this up to date.
Enable Prediction = false
Only In Goal = false
Prediction Type = 1
Line Width = 3
Intersection Point = true
Ground Intersection Point = false
Intersection Point Ground Circle = false
Ground Intersection Point Ground Circle = false
Intersection Point Type = 1
Intersection Point Size = 4.000000
Ground Intersection Point Type = 2
Ground Intersection Point Size = 5.000000
Line Color A = 120
Line Color R = 0
Line Color G = 0
Line Color B = 0
Fade Out Line = true
Intersection Point Color A = 255
Intersection Point Color R = 255
Intersection Point Color G = 255
Intersection Point Color B = 255
Intersection Point Ground Circle Color A = 100
Intersection Point Ground Circle Color R = 255
Intersection Point Ground Circle Color G = 0
Intersection Point Ground Circle Color B = 0
Ground Intersection Point Color A = 255
Ground Intersection Point Color R = 210
Ground Intersection Point Color G = 255
Ground Intersection Point Color B = 0
Ground Intersection Point Ground Circle Color A = 100
Ground Intersection Point Ground Circle Color R = 210
Ground Intersection Point Ground Circle Color G = 255
Ground Intersection Point Ground Circle Color B = 0
Performance Lines = false
Iterations = 150
[Boost Timers]
Enable Boost Timers = true
Show Circles = false
Show Text = true
Text Lowering = false
Font Size Index = 0
[Boost Display]
Enable Boost Display = false
Show On Team = false
Show On Enemy = true
Show Bars = true
Show Numbers = false
Automatic Text Color = true
Show Numbers Font Size Index = 2
Persistent Background = false
Background Type = 1
Background Color A = 150
Background Color R = 255
Background Color G = 255
Background Color B = 255
[Chat Messages]
Show Chat Messages = false
Show Enemy Messages = false
Show Team Messages = true
Team Colored Messages = false
Show Chat Window = false
Chat Window Auto-Scroll = true
Alpha = 220
[Wave Dash]
Enable Wave Dash = true
Orient Only = false
Orient Towards Ground = true
Continuous Mode = true
Wall Dashing = true
Legit Wall Dashing = true
Dodge Direction = 1
Wave Dash Hotkey = 164
[Demolition Bot]
Enable Demolition Bot = true
Use New Calculation Method = false
Auto Boost = true
Always Boost = false
Air Control = true
Demolition Bot Hotkey = 162
[Aerial Bot BETA]
Enable Aerial Bot = true
Use New Aerial Controls = true
Simulate User Input = false
Primary Aerial Mode = 3
Secondary Aerial Mode = 5
Third Aerial Mode = 9
Intersection Type = 4
Take-off Time = true
Time In MS = 0.140000
FreeStyle Control = false
FreeStyle Control Orientation Mode = 1
FreeStyle Until Distance = 120.000000
Enable Starting Velocity = false
Starting Velocity = 1550.000000
Enable Automation = true
Auto Boost = false
Use Auto Boost In Primary Mode = true
Use Auto Boost In Secondary Mode = false
Use Auto Boost In Third Mode = false
Feather Boost = true
Feather Boost Strength = 1795.000000
Boost Till Distance = 89.500000
Always Boost = false
Auto Drive = true
Use Handbrake = true
Drive Backwards = true
Use Dribble Bot = true
Match Speed = true
Aim At Goal = true
Facing Goal = false
Use In Primary Mode = false
Use In Secondary Mode = false
Use In Third Mode = false
In Safety Zone = false
Safety Zone Distance = 4417.000000
Automatic Correction Values = false
Use When on Ground = true
Use When Normal Aerialing = true
Use When Freestyle Aerialing = true
Ground Correction = 1.500000
Normal Aerial Correction = 0.000000
FreeStyle Aerial Correction = 0.000000
Ground Risk Factor = 7.090000
Normal Aerial Risk Factor = 7.280000
Freestyle Aerial Risk Factor = 5.060000
Primary Aerial Bot Hotkey = 40
Secondary Aerial Bot Hotkey = 37
Third Aerial Bot Hotkey = 39
[Dribble Bot BETA]
Enable = true
Show Dribble State = false
Catching Offset = 15.000000
Catching Approach Offset = 10.000000
Carrying Offset = 18.900000
Carrying Approach Offset = 20.000000
Carrying Auto Boost = true
Adjusting Offset = 43.599998
Adjusting Auto Boost = true
Dribble Bot Hotkey = 67
[Flip Cancels]
Enable = false
Automatic Flip Cancellation = true
Automatic Flip Cancellation Distance = 500.000000
Automatic Flip Cancellation Time = true
Flip Cancellation Time = 0.800000
Speed Flip Hotkey = 67
[Mini map]
Enable Minimap = false
Scale = 1.750000
Position X = 0
Position Y = 0
Show Boosts = true
Show Boost Timers = true
Show Chat Messages = true
Show Minimap Borders = true
Automatic Air Sensitivity = false
Hide Nameplates = false
Set FOV = false
FOV = 120.000000
Boost Management = true
Draw Hitbox = false
Hitbox Color A = 120
Hitbox Color R = 255
Hitbox Color G = 255
Hitbox Color B = 255
Jump Indicator = false
Car Vision = false
Car Vision Render Distance = true
Car Vision Render Distance Value = 600.000000
Disable Bots On Lost Focus = true
[Kickoff Bot BETA]
Enable Kickoff Bot = false
Show Debug Info = false
Kickoff Bot Hotkey = 38
[Front Corner Kickoff]
Position Alter = 645.000000
Time 1 = 0.370000
Steer Value = 2.100000
Time 2 = 1.400000
Speed Flip Dodge Time = 0.000000
Jump and Dodge Into the Ball = true
Time Based Dodge = false
Double Jump Time = 0.090000
Distance Til Jump = 540.000000
Forward Dodge Value = 0.000000
Handbrake Usage = false
[Center Kickoff]
Position Alter = 740.000000
Time 1 = 0.580000
Time 2 = 0.700000
Steer Value = 10.000000
Time 3 = 1.850000
Speed Flip Dodge Time = 0.000000
Save Boost = true
Use Boost = true
Steer Towards the Ball = false
Jump and Dodge Into the Ball = true
Time Based Dodge = false
Double Jump Time = 0.100000
Distance Til Jump = 490.000000
Forward Dodge Value = 0.000000
Handbrake Usage = false
[Back Corner Kickoff]
Position Alter = 790.000000
Time 1 = 0.620000
Steer Value = 8.000000
Time 2 = 1.780000
Speed Flip Dodge Time = 0.000000
Steer Towards the Ball = false
Save Boost = true
Jump and Dodge Into the Ball = true
Time Based Dodge = false
Double Jump Time = 0.100000
Distance Til Jump = 530.000000
Forward Dodge Value = 0.000000
Handbrake Usage = false