just add this line to first line of the script
_G.OnLoop = _G.OnDraw
but remember, this is a temporally way....
Best Answer Zypppy , 26 October 2015 - 01:03
if you didn't draw anything, feel free to change it to OnTick
For combo,Harass,LaneClear ,JungleClear, Misc , Killsteal I do OnTick.
And for Drawings I do OnDraw
just add this line to first line of the script
_G.OnLoop = _G.OnDraw
but remember, this is a temporally way....
Or just change OnLoop to OnDraw "Correct me if im wrong "
yes, nice try
thanks help me alot
yes, nice try
Well; My Heimer is with OnTick on combo and harras and so on and auto lvl and everything works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well; My Heimer is with OnTick on combo and harras and so on and auto lvl and everything works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you didn't draw anything, feel free to change it to OnTick
if you didn't draw anything, feel free to change it to OnTick
For combo,Harass,LaneClear ,JungleClear, Misc , Killsteal I do OnTick.
And for Drawings I do OnDraw
For combo,Harass,LaneClear ,JungleClear, Misc , Killsteal I do OnTick.
And for Drawings I do OnDraw
Drawing ? => OnDraw
everything ? => OnTick
U can also draw in on tick but the drawing operation get called every tick = very fast flickering drawings.
what? no it won't....
OnDraw = OnLoop
I had a calculation + DrawCircle in OnTick and the circle was flimmern
As I put the calculation + DrawCircle in OnDraw it was smooth
oops, i thought you put calc in OnDraw...nvm
but this won't work on new Inpired, you have to add _G.OnLoop = _G.OnDraw
but this won't work on new Inpired, you have to add _G.OnLoop = _G.OnDraw
_G.myHero = GetMyHero()in Inspired30 and IOW1 to use the old scripts.All IOW1 scripts are working with this, I have a lot of scripts from the old DB (Sion, Nasus, Corki, Akali, Ryze...) all working.Waiting for devs update, at the meantime, stick with the olds .
who uses IOW solo and Insoired v30
who uses IOW solo and Insoired v30
I do. I carry hard with Nasus JG (AutoStacks by Marcii), since there's no update yet and it can take weeks so I can use the script right now.
And Lucian too, theres no good script for him outside of IAC itself, the other are too stuttering, you will be caught out easily.
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