Survival Tab > AutoZhonyaShield:
Screenshot: Malphite Ulti
Screenshot: Malzahar Ulti
Feature explanation:
-Auto ZhonyaShield: if enabled, your champion will attempt to survive/block any dangerous spells with Zhonya/WitchCap or Champion Spell before they hit you.
-Use Zhonya Item: if enabled, will use Zhonya or Witchcap items to save you from dangerous spells.
-Use Sivir Shield: if you are playing as Sivir, use her [E] spellshield to absorb incoming spells.
-Use Nocturne Shield: if you are playing as Nocturne, use his [E] spellshield to absorb incoming spells.
-Use Kayle Ultimate: if you are playing as Kayle, use her immortality shield to absorb incoming spells.
-Use Fizz Dodge: if you are playing as Fizz, use his trickster jump to absorb incoming spells.
-Use Lissandra Ultimate: if you are playing as Lissandra, use her self-freeze(zhonya) to absorb incoming spells.
-Use Vladimir Pool: if you are playing as Vladimir, use his [W] blood pool to absorb incoming spells.