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Bought external script, but i cant make it work anyway.

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i have followed all that instructions about the C++ stuff 2013/2015
the safe mode kaspersky, how to inject and everything else.

but when i start the match nothing appears.
nothing happens, 
im losing my money for real.

i want a teamviewer support.

im on a paypal dispute about the money used for VIP and we have till day 23th september to solve this problem.

if not, im charging back my money. 


all that the mods ever say for me is about to follow that video and instructions about how to install Chinese program and kaspersky, that doesnt work for me.

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    You donut

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Hello, then do not use kaspersky follow these steps: (It's not hard to do) I also did not get any message from you so if you do not tell us we can not answer or help you. 


  • Delete all the c++ versions you have. 
  • Install c++ 2013 x64 and x86
  • Install c++ 2015 x64 and x86
  • restart your pc.
  • Make your game borderless.
  • Open gos loader and notepad++ as admin.
  • type notepad++.exe into gos loader and click to ok, gos loader will be closing itself automatically and will be working in notepad so DO NOT OPEN GOS LOADER just go to a custom game it'll be ok.

Also get this file. (THERE ARE SOME KEY SETTINGS, YOU SHOULD SET THEM, check the screenshots)

 you can find some "good scripts" from this thread.

 i play adc mainly so GGaio for ezrea, kog, twitch etc are really good.

or 14 aio for Vayne, Kaisa etc or series series for aphelios, vayne.


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