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Jorj's Ryze (intelligent spell rotation/ult logic)

ryze combo smart logic ult spell rotation jorj

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Download: Ryze.lua


This script casts Ryze's spells in an intelligent rotation order for the best combo possible.

By default, the hotkey is 'A' (you can change this by editing line 4 of the script).

Please note that this script is also intended to be used with the inbuilt orbwalker.


To install the script; navigate to "AppData/Roaming/GamingOnSteroids/LOL/Scripts"; save the script as "testscriptx.lua", where "x" is a number from 1-3.

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use github.

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any info?

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any info?

Spacebar is hotkey


basically just rotates through QWE with some small logic and fancy draws

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oh, does it support Ult before all that qwe?

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doesnt work for me, some kind of string error?

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doesnt work for me, some kind of string error?

ill take a look today, thanks

oh, does it support Ult before all that qwe?

nope, ill see if I can get something decent done tho ;)

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It should check for the Ryze Hype buff, if it's currently ongoing, to even waste a Q in order to get lower CD for W and E.
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It should check for the Ryze Hype buff, if it's currently ongoing, to even waste a Q in order to get lower CD for W and E.

added :)


also added ult usage, let me know if I can improve this

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    I'm Back :D

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Definitely one of the best ryze scripts here:)
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Definitely one of the best ryze scripts here:)

thank you :3

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You have to change the file name to testscript1.lua

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Reworked the script a litte (same logic, just more efficiently written)

hopefully any previous bugs are ironed out, let me know if you do come across any


during next few days I will have some nice updates so keep your eyes peeled ;)

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So I tried the script without modification and I pressed A and nothing happened. When I pressed spacebar I assume it was only using the config in auto harass. 


If I set "local HOTKEY = string.byte('A')" -- to -- "local HOTKEY = string.byte('Spacebar')" would that do it or would it need to be "local HOTKEY = string.byte(' ')"


Do I need to reset my configs for ryze to default 0 to just let your script work or are they meant to work together?

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So I tried the script without modification and I pressed A and nothing happened. When I pressed spacebar I assume it was only using the config in auto harass.

If I set "local HOTKEY = string.byte('A')" -- to -- "local HOTKEY = string.byte('Spacebar')" would that do it or would it need to be "local HOTKEY = string.byte(' ')"

Do I need to reset my configs for ryze to default 0 to just let your script work or are they meant to work together?

It would need to be string.byte(' ')
Also, it doesn't work with a config, but you do need to bind the inbuilt orbwalk to the same key
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Your script looks very nice and advanced, however I have one suggestion for you.  Combo when supercharged:

if (_Q.IsReady) _Q.Cast

if (!_Q.IsReady && _W.IsReady) _W.Cast

if (!_Q.IsReady && _E.IsReady) _E.Cast

this will assure that Q is casted whenever it can, and W or E is casted only if it can reduce Q CD. This will prevent situations like:

Cast Q -> Cast W-> Q is off CD, we can cast it, but script continues to cast E.

I don't know if you already implemented it tho 

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    Sona's wife

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Your script looks very nice and advanced, however I have one suggestion for you.  Combo when supercharged:

if (_Q.IsReady) _Q.Cast

if (!_Q.IsReady && _W.IsReady) _W.Cast

if (!_Q.IsReady && _E.IsReady) _E.Cast

this will assure that Q is casted whenever it can, and W or E is casted only if it can reduce Q CD. This will prevent situations like:

Cast Q -> Cast W-> Q is off CD, we can cast it, but script continues to cast E.

I don't know if you already implemented it tho 

make a ryze script please Doge

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Your script looks very nice and advanced, however I have one suggestion for you. Combo when supercharged:
if (_Q.IsReady) _Q.Cast
if (!_Q.IsReady && _W.IsReady) _W.Cast
if (!_Q.IsReady && _E.IsReady) _E.Cast
this will assure that Q is casted whenever it can, and W or E is casted only if it can reduce Q CD. This will prevent situations like:
Cast Q -> Cast W-> Q is off CD, we can cast it, but script continues to cast E.
I don't know if you already implemented it tho

It is pretty much already do this, only if they are in range of w/e though

Thanks for suggestion though :)

EDIT: nvm, just understood what you wrote :D
Will add when I get back later, thanks
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ryze, combo, smart, logic, ult, spell, rotation, jorj

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