Base64Encode("hello world!") -- returns an encoded string "hello world!"
Base64Decode("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh") --returns a decoded string "hello world!"
CreateDir(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\") --returns a boolean on success/failure of creating a folder in the subdirs of GoS.
RemoveDir(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\") --returns a boolean on success/failure of removing a folder in the subdirs of GoS.
DirExists(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\") --returns a boolean if a folder exists or not in the subdirs of GoS.
GetTextRect("hello world!",35,200,200); --returns a x,y,w,h rect of the text area.
Args are as follows: Text, Size, OnScreenX, OnScreenY.
Interact(Object) -- allows you to interact with objects such as Crystal Scar towers, Thresh Lantern, Bard portals and much more.
Some code examples:
local savedobject = nil local mychampname = myHero.charName PrintChat(mychampname); PrintChat(MD5Encode(mychampname)); local base64str = Base64Encode(mychampname); PrintChat(base64str); PrintChat(MD5Encode(base64str)); PrintChat(Base64Decode(base64str)); CreateDir(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\"); wtf = DirExists(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\"); if wtf == true then PrintChat("<font color='#ff0000'>EXISTS!</font>"); else PrintChat("<font color='#00ff00'>MISSING!</font>"); end RemoveDir(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\"); wtf = DirExists(COMMON_PATH.."YourTestHere\\"); if wtf == true then PrintChat("<font color='#ff0000'>EXISTS!</font>"); else PrintChat("<font color='#00ff00'>ERASED!</font>"); end OnCreateObj(function(Object) if Object ~= nil then if == 'ThreshLantern' then savedobject = Object end end end) OnDraw(function(myHero) if savedobject ~= nil then DrawCircle(GetOrigin(savedobject),100,0,0,ARGB(255,255,255,255)); --draw current pos Interact(savedobject); end DrawText("Hello there !!!!!!!!!!!!",35,200,200,0xffffffff); textrect = GetTextRect("Hello there !!!!!!!!!!!!",35,200,200); if textrect ~= nil then FillRect(textrect.x,textrect.y,textrect.w,textrect.h,0x50ffffff); end end)