HarassCombo Tab > Harass:
Set of current functions:
Feature explanation:
-Enable HarassCombo: if this is checked, GoS will activate all the harass settings (if any specified are active) on hotkey SpaceBar (by default). Spells have their own waypoint prediction, minion collision checks and ranges.
-[X]InHarassOrder: specify which spells should be in what order in the combo.
-[X]ShowCastRange: show the range of the spell (champion specific).
-[X]DontContinueIfOutOfRange: don't let the combo continue later on if the specific spell is currently on cooldown.
-[X]UseAABeforeCastIfInRange: attempt to use AutoAttack before casting the specific spell (only if AA is not on cooldown and is in AA range) else will be ignored anyway and spell will be cast.
-HarassHotkey: by default is Space, can be set to anything else.
-Circles Transparency: set the transparency of the range circles of the spells.
-Use Items in Harass: use any available items in the harass combo (they go first).
-LastHitMinions WhileInHarass: while you hold down space, if there are no enemy champions in range, attempt to last-hit minions which are low on HP (only if in AA range).
-LastHit MinionMarker: draws a white circle around minions which could be killed with AutoAttack.