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[08 March 2016] Added DeleteFile, PlaySound, StopSound, GetFPS, IsSubscriber, GetGroup, BlockF7OrbWalk, BlockF7Dodge.

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DeleteFile("filename"); --attempts to delete a file in subfolders of GoS (sandboxed), returns a boolean on success/failure.
PlaySound("filename"); --attempts to play a sound from a wav file, returns a boolean on success/failure.
StopSound(); --stops the currently played sound.
GetFPS(); --returns an integer with the current FPS game rate.
IsSubscriber(X,X); --is an API for Developers. If you're in the proper dev group, you may ask me questions about it.
GetGroup(); --returns a string with the current user group in the forum.
BlockF7OrbWalk(true/false); -- blocks/unblocks the orbwalk and spellcast of F7 menu in Combo tab.
BlockF7Dodge(true/false); -- blocks/unblocks the auto-dodge in the F7 Survival tab.

SOUNDS_PATH - variable for grabbing the sounds path in GoS.
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