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Small Forum Refreshment

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I've made some small refreshing changes to the forums, they include:



Icesythe7 is now back to Script Developers.

Nivo is demoted to regular members on self request.

ilovesona is demoted to Contributors for not being active.

Soylent is demoted to regular member since he is missing in the Polish support section.

FakeWilSoN is demoted to regular member for being inactive in the Korean section.

Jotta is also demoted for the same reasons from Local Support.



Forums are now open to guests as i am expecting to attract a bit more fresh new members with this.

Guests now can see the shoutbox too! But in order to post, they need to register and validate.

Regular validated members don't have posts restriction anymore and are not in moderation queue.




Really soon i will be condensing a little bit and shifting the forum sections around, in order to free space for a new game, stay tuned up for more!

  • -48

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