Challenger Evade was under development for almost 2 months and now is the day of the release (RELEASE THE KRAKEN!).
Since alpha release, Challenger Evade supports almost all skillshots (if not all ) so let's get into more details..
-Evades as smooth as possible, no matter how much skillshots are fired at you, click for more info..
-Will find optimal path for multiple skillshots (prioritizing : last evade position > orbwalker direction)
-Works well with the orbwalker/normal clicks, everything will work smooth without any jittering, click for more info..
-Fully Customizable settings for each enemy skillshot
-Fully Customizable settings for evade methods
-Simple and Clean menu, easy to configure
-Supports FOW Dodging (there is an option to turn off this feature)
-Dodge only dangerous option (this is useful when using combo mode, so it's on space by default, will dodge only dangerous skillshots instead of every skillshot fired at you)
-Ally Shielding
-Customizable danger levels for both evade methods and skillshots.
-Almost perfect algorithm over choosing evade method (knows exactly when it needs to move, dash etc..)
-Supports Drawings for all different types and special spells (planning to rewrite current linear, circular drawings..)
-Block spells (configurable) and AutoAttacks when evading
-Special Feature : Double Click to remove skillshot, works only for Gragas Q and Lux E for now, useful when the enemy is dead or the projectile is blocking your path, click for more info..
-Basic pathfinding and optimized wall calculations
-Collision support for windwall, minions and heroes
-Ignore Above HP% option
-Special evasion system for kalista
-FOW Dodge for some circular spells
-Prevention from AA cancelling option
SkillShot Types
Challenger Evade support the dodge of all current skillshot types including :
-Arc (ex: Diana Q)
-Ring (ex: Veigar E inside and outside the ring)
Evading Methods
Challenger Evade Dodge with different methods including:
-Walking (including movement speed buffs, includes Ghost)
-Blinks (includes flash)
-Invulnerable spells (includes Zhonya)
-Shields (including teammates)
-AttackJump (Ekko E Attack)
Special Spells
while working on it, i recorded some special spells/spell types so here comes the fun part..
Ahri Q (acceleration and backward orb follows ahri..)
Ashe W (x9 skillshots)
Darius E (cone, nothing special)
Diana Q (arc, nothing special)
Malzahar Q (same as zyra Q, perpendicular to cast direction)
Syndra E (orbs..)
Taric E (following taric + ally with his buff)
TwistedFate Q (threeway..)
Velkoz Q (perpendicular

Zed Q/E (From object which is shadows in this case, same as Orianna Spells, Ekko R..)
Ziggs Q (triple bounce)
-ignore/DodgeOnlyDangerous when Banshee/Olaf R Active option
-Avoid Traps/Shrooms (Jinx E, Cait W, Teemo R...)
-Spam Feretorix to add GetPath(my current path)/CalculatePath(calculate path from a to b and return points)
Kortatu/Honda7 for open source evade (learned a lot from it

evitaerCi for teaching/helping in different steps, this guy definitely deserve a cookie!

Everyone that helped me on fixing/improving minor things (Inspired, Zwei.....)
Noddy for op Challenged Evade banner