Buckle your seats boys and girls, Proffesor or whoever is reading this at this spectacular time in your life because in this short, full of gifs post I will explain a bit who I am and I'll make some leaks.
Late in the day i have found that being hatched from and egg is not the norm
my egg was blue and for this i am unhappy (i dont like blue)
My early days were spent trying to avoid the bigger trees in my yard
often eating the various grubs and roots my small snout could unearth
this you might say has set me up in life for not very much
I'm nExt, commonly known as Zeyx.
My real name is John (Juan), Juan Gómez. Facebook me, you may find me.<pause* I'll give you some time to assimilate> ........and I work in Secura, if you want to know what is that just
I'm 27 years old, I live in the Basque Country, located in the north of Spain.
I'm a... boy. wow.
Things I like:
- I like the noise small kids make whn you hit them and they fall down (old people make much the same noise ?!?! strange that?).
- Bar fights.
- Girls with no standards, morals or self esteem, they are such easy girls to meet up with and bring them to my bed in the late night.
- Negative numbers (look post reputation)
- Walking in the beach
Things I don't like:
- Hangovers.
- Kittens that come apart when you kick them.
- Materialism.
Please notice the sarcasm.
Now let's move on to the important thing.
Remember those days when i was zeyx? all the cp, all the bad mood... All I have done in the past was just for fun and I have to say that it really was. Yes, that's me, and I have no ****s to give. Deal with it.
And I wanted to apologize myself for all that and wanted to make sure that all I'll do for now won't be CPed from somewhere else and i'll try to say the truth, even if its funny to troll people.
I hope we can forget all that.
I'll request a group promotion to Banned. the hate is real.