Hey guys here is the new script that i was working for. I hope you are enjoy ( Script is currently beta testing so expect some bugs )
- Fully configurable combo and harass menu with mana manager
- Fully configurable Lane/ Jungle clear and detailed lasthit options
- Escape / killsteal settings ( include One Shot Combo in killsteal- The picture above is auto combo. )
- 3 Different Shadow Logic
- Blacklist For Ulti
- Extra Settings to get best performance ( use items after R , use second w to chase etc )
- Gapclose with w
- Auto Q/E Harass, Auto Special Harass (QW,QWE,WE
- Shadow Logic ( Return when target died, return if hp below > )
- Turret dive logic
- Escape with W
- Misc options (Anti afk, Auto level, Skinhack )
- Advanced clear settings
- Fully configurable drawing settings(damage ındicator etc).
- Advanced Damage Calculations
- -Advanced item usage ( fully confugirable)
- Shadow Drawings
- Supports all orbwalkers ( DAC:R , İOW , GOSWALK, DAC) ( fast aa resets with all orbs )
- Supports all predictions
- and much more ..
Direct Download : Click Here to download lua file