Thx LacteaRX for make this banner
This is a lib for detect gap closer spell and chanell spell
if you want help this lib or found any bug, feel free to leave a comment here or submit an issue in my github
- configurable spell list, you can turn ON/OFF every support spell, check the link below to see all support spell(it's code, but I think it's readable
put it in the Common folder
if you want test this lib, you need a 5V5 game, 9 bots are ok too.
Change log:
2015.10.28: fix error checker bug(it should fix L135 error)
2015.09.16: add more spell, less fps drop with new DLib api
2015.09.14: add menu, you need DLib now
2015.09.11: support more spell, remove inspired lib requirement
2015.08.13: support multi spell for same champion now, fix FiddleSticks typo bug
2015.08.12: add spell type to callback
API:(for dev only)
addInterrupterCallback(function(target, spellType, spell) --your code here end)
target is the target who use the spell
spell type currently support two type: CHANELLING_SPELLS, GAPCLOSER_SPELLS
spell is spell data from api OnProcessSpell, check api doc for more information
Example(vayne with E, only cast E for gap closer spells)
require 'Interrupter' addInterrupterCallback(function(target, spellType, spell) --just remove spellType == GAPCLOSER_SPELLS if you want support all spell type if IsInDistance(target, GetCastRange(myHero,_E)) and CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY and spellType == GAPCLOSER_SPELLS then CastTargetSpell(target, _E) end end)
Edited by ilovesona, 28 October 2015 - 02:47 .