This is a library/script for ward jump, you can use it as a standalone script or a lib
- ward jump
- support champion: LeeSin, Katarina, Jax
- support jump target : ward, hero, minion, and any targetable object, it won't put ward if there is exist jump target.
- prevent cast ward in the wall cause fail ward jump
- jump to max ward cast range if your mouse pos exceed cast range
- draw ward range
- menu config option: jump hotkey, detect wall or not(you can disable it if you don't like
) and debug mode
simple ward jump.lua ward jump.lua
Wall Functions
put all files into Common
use Z key to jump, you can change it in menu
Change log:
2016.02.02: remove OnObjectLoop coz it's got removed
2015.11.17: add draw ward range, update pre-S6 ward item
2015.10.26: update to new api(rip OnLoop)
2015.10.04: fix api, fix OnDeleteObj bug
2015.09.13: add menu, fix hero not in jump target bug, code rework
2015.08.28: improve the fps with new api
API(for dev only):
pos = { x=2324, y=95, z=1800 } wardJump(pos)
This api will jump to the max ward cast position if the pos exceed it, you need check the range between your hero and the pos before call the api, except you don't care.
Edited by ilovesona, 02 February 2016 - 01:46 .