One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters
There is a small problem with the use of search engine. The problem is that we cannot use any 3-char words in such as laning positions like: Top, Bot, Mid, Sup, Champion names like" Lux, Zed, Jax, Yi, Xin, Lee, Kha or their diminutives like: Xin, Lee, Kha, Ori, Rek etc.
The most troublesome are, of course, the original character names with only 3 letters, so it is impossible to find using a search engine forum and that's why I propose to reduce the minimum number of characters down to 3. It won't solve the problem entirely (because of Master Yi) but it will significantly improve the current situation.
Edited by Tiritto, 15 August 2015 - 03:47 .