Am 12 Januar 2017 wurde das zweite Project, GoS External, im GoS Loader freigegeben.
GoS External (für Leauge of Legends) ist ein Tool, welches sich komplett außerhalb des Spiels befindet. Es injiziert keine Bytes in den Spiel Prozess und die Markierungen werden in einem separaten Overlay gezeichnet. Die Eingaben (um z.B. euren Charakter zu bewegen) werden über echte Mausklicks und Tastenanschläge simuliert.
Das neue Projekt ist nur für zahlende Nutzer verfügbar um nicht zu viel Aufmerksamkeit darauf zu lenken und weiterhin von Riot unerkannt bleibt. Man kann nicht für GoS External gebannt werden, da es anders injiziert und handelt als jedes andere Tool. Einige wenige Spieler haben es für die letzen 6 Monate auf ihren Hauptaccounts getestet und wir können euch versichern das das Tool komplett unerkannt und sicher ist.
Das Projekt basiert wieder auf LUA, enthält aber eine komplett neue API. Diese erlaubt es ohne Einbrüche in der Performance zu scripten. Deswegen können keine Scripts aus GoS Internal in GoS External benutzt werden. Hier seht ihr die neue API um euch selbst einen Einblick zu verschaffen:
MenuElement - Class MenuElement({}) -- initial call; returns instance possible properties of the input table: - id = "string", can be omitted but then it will not save - name = "string" - type = MENU|PARAM|SPACE,BUTTON, for PARAM type can be omitted - leftIcon = "string" [URL!], -> icon displayed on the left, 100% menu height - rightIcon = "string" [URL!] -> automatically converts param to boolean, 50% menu height - icon = "string" [URL!] -> icon displayed on the right, e.g. sub menu, 100% menu height - value = -> true|false, creates boolean param -> number, creates slider param -> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"] [+ identifier = "string"] or -> drop = {"string"[, "string", ...]} -> table {"number", "number"}, creates min/max slider param -> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"] - color = "color", creates color param -> Draw.Color(integer) or -> Draw.Color(hex) or -> Draw.Color(alpha, red, green, blue) or -> Draw.Color(hue, saturation, lightness) - key = "number", creates key param - callback = "function" -> gets called on param change with changed value as input - onhover = "function" -> gets called on param hover with the param as input - onclick = "function" -> gets called on param click with the param as input - tooltip = "string" -> gets displayed on hover instance:MenuElement({}) creates submenu instance:Value([newVal]) -> if called without newVal it returns the current value -> if called with newVal it'll set the current value to newVal and return it instance:Sprite(which[, url]) -> which = "string"; "leftIcon"|"rightIcon"|"icon" -> if called without url it returns the current sprite -> if called with url it'll set the current sprite to that url instance:Hide([bool]) -> if called without bool it'll toggle the hide property between true|false and return it -> if called with bool it'll set the hide property to that value and return it instance:Remove() -> this will permanently remove the MenuElement Example: local menu = MenuElement({id = "myMenu", name = "This is my Menu", type = MENU}) menu:MenuElement({id = "bool", name = "My boolean Value", value = true}) menu:MenuElement({id = "slide", name = "My slider", value = 0.7, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1}) menu:MenuElement({id = "space", name = "This will get hidden on mouse click", type = SPACE, onclick = function() end}) menu:MenuElement({type = BUTTON, id = "button", name = "My button", rightIcon = "", callback = function() print"I have been pressed!" end}) Callback.Add("Tick", function() PrintChat("My bool: "..tostring(menu.bool:Value()).."; My slider: "";") end) Vector - Class Vector(...) -- initial call; returns instance overloads: () => 'nullvector' => (0, 0, 0) ({x = 100, y = 100}) => (xy-table) => (100, 100) ({x = 100, y = 0, z = 100}) => (xyz-table) => (100, 0, 100) (100, 0, 100) => (number, number, number) => (100, 0, 100) ({x = 0, y = 50, z = 75}, {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}) => (startVec, endVec) => (100, 50, 25) properties: .x -- the x value .y -- the y value .z -- the z value .onScreen -- for 2D vectors functions: :To2D() -- returns screenpos from Vector3 (alias ToScreen) :Clone() -- returns a new vector :Unpack() -- returns x, y, z :DistanceTo(Vector) -- returns distance to another vector or, if ommited, myHero :Len() -- returns length :Len2() -- returns squared length :Normalize() -- normalizes a vector :Normalized() -- creates a new vector, normalizes it and returns it :Center(Vector) -- center between 2 vectors :CrossProduct(Vector) -- cross product of 2 vectors (alias: CrossP) :DotProduct(Vector) -- dot product of 2 vectors (alias: DotP) :ProjectOn(Vector) -- projects a vector on a vector :MirrorOn(Vector) -- mirrors a vector on a vector :Sin(Vector) -- calculates sin of 2 vector :Cos(Vector) -- calculates cos of 2 vector :Angle(Vector) -- calculates angle between 2 vectors :AffineArea(Vector) -- calculates area between 2 vectors :TriangleArea(Vector) -- calculates triangular area between 2 vectors :RotateX(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around x axis :RotateY(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around y axis :RotateZ(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around z axis :Rotate(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- rotates vector :Rotated(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- creates a new vector, rotates it and returns it :Polar() -- returns polar value :AngleBetween(Vector, Vector) -- returns the angle formed from a vector to both input vectors :Compare(Vector) -- compares both vectors, returns difference :Perpendicular() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° right :Perpendicular2() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° left :Extend(Vector, distance) -- extends a vector towards a vector :Extended(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, extends it and returns it :Shorten(Vector, distance) -- shortens a vector towards a vector :Shortened(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, shortens it and returns it :Lerp(Vector, delta) -- creates a new vector, lerps it towards vector by delta Sprite - Class Sprite(path) overloads: Sprite(path, scale) Sprite(path, scaleX, scaleY) properties (READ-ONLY): .x -- the x value .y -- the y value .pos -- Vector2 .path -- file path .width -- the width .height -- the height .scale -- the scale .color -- the color functions: :Draw() -- draws the sprite at .pos :Draw(Vector2) -- draws the sprite at Vector2 :Draw(x, y) -- draws the sprite at x y :Draw({x, y, w, h}, Vector2) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at Vector2 :Draw({x, y, w, h}, x, y) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at x y :SetScale(scale) -- sets a sprite's scale :SetScale(scaleX, scaleY) -- sets a sprite's scale :SetPos(Vector2) -- sets a sprite's pos :SetPos(x, y) -- sets a sprite's pos :SetColor(Color) -- sets a sprite's color GameObject -- not callable by user properties: .networkID .handle -- use for missile owner/target check .chnd --use for camp handle .buffCount .isMe .isAlly .isEnemy .team .owner .targetID --Turret Target .type .name .charName .health .maxHealth .mana .maxMana .shieldAD .shieldAP .cdr .armorPen .armorPenPercent .bonusArmorPenPercent .magicPen .magicPenPercent .baseDamage .bonusDamage .totalDamage .ap .lifeSteal .spellVamp .attackSpeed .critChance .armor .bonusArmor .magicResist .bonusMagicResist .hpRegen .mpRegen .ms .range .boundingRadius .gold .totalGold .dead .visible .isTargetable .distance .pos .posTo .pos2D .posMM .dir .isCampUp -- for camps only .valid -- for units only .attackData -- for units only .state -- STATE_UNKNOWN, STATE_ATTACK, STATE_WINDUP, STATE_WINDDOWN .windUpTime .windDownTime .animationTime .endTime .castFrame .projectileSpeed .target -- GameObject handle .levelData -- for heroes only .exp .lvl .lvlPts .missileData -- for missiles only .name -- string .owner -- GameObject handle .target -- GameObject handle .startPos -- Vector .endPos -- Vector .placementPos -- Vector .range .delay .speed .width .manaCost .bonusDamagePercent -- for minions only .flatDamageReduction -- for minions only functions: -- for units only :GetSpellData(iSlot) .name .level .castTime -- time the spell was casted last .cd .currentCd .ammo .ammoTime .ammoCd .ammoCurrentCd .toggleState .range .mana .width .speed .targetingType .coneAngle .coneDistance .acceleration .castFrame .maxSpeed .minSpeed :GetItemData(index) .itemID .stacks .ammo :GetBuff(index) .type .name .startTime .expireTime .duration .stacks .count .sourcenID .sourceName :GetPrediction(speed,delay) --Vector .x .y .z :GetCollision(width,speed,delay) number --Collision Count :IsValidTarget(range,team check,source or pos) Draw API: { Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width) Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width) CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color) Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height) Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height, Color) Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height) Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, Color) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width) Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width, Color) Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (a, r, g, b); Returns Color Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (hex); Returns Color Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (unsigned); Returns Color Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (h, s, l); Returns Color Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (); Returns Color Default Color is White. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, x, y) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color, Font) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, Vector2) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color) Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color, Font) Font = Creates a drawable Font; Input: (path, fontName) FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize); Return {width, height} FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize, Font); Return {width, height} } Control API: { CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte, GameObject) CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y) --screen position CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y, z) CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, Vector3) Move = Sends a move command towards mousePos; Input: none Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y) --screen position Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y, z) Move = Sends a move command; Input: (Vector3) Attack = Sends an attack command; Input: (GameObject) IsKeyDown = Check for a key being held down; Input: none; Return bool SetCursorPos = Sets the cursor position; Input: (Object | Vector3 | Vector2 | x, y) Return: bool KeyDown = Holds down a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool KeyUp = Releases up a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool mouse_event = Sends a mouse click (down or up, depending on flag); Input: (byte) Return: bool } Game API: { MyHero = Input none; Returns myHero Resolution = Input none; Returns Resolution as Vector FPS = Input none; Returns the total FPS IsOnTop = Input none; Return true/false if Game is on top IsChatOpen = Input none; Return true/false if chat is open Timer = Input none; Return the Game Timer mapID = The current map ID HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index CampCount = Input none; Return the total Camp Count Camp = Input (index); Return the Camp at index TurretCount = Input none; Return the total Turret Count Turret = Input (index); Return the Turret at index MissileCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count Missile = Input (index); Return the Object at index ParticleCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count Particle = Input (index); Return the Object at index MinionCount = Input none; Return the total Minion Count Minion = Input (index); Return the Minion at index WardCount = Input none; Return the total Wards Count Ward = Input (index); Return the Wards at index ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index GetObjectByNetID(networkID); returns the object with the networkID requested } Callback API: { Add = Adds a new Callback; Input: (iType, function); Return: callbackID Del = Deletes a callback, Input: (iType, callbackID) } iTypes: { "Load", "UnLoad", "GameEnd", "Tick", "Draw", "WndMsg", -- (msg, wParam) "ProcessRecall" -- (unit, proc) } Global Constants: SCRIPT_PATH COMMON_PATH SPRITE_PATH SOUNDS_PATH FONTS_PATH WM_MOUSEHWHEEL WM_MBUTTONUP WM_MBUTTONDOWN WM_RBUTTONUP WM_RBUTTONDOWN WM_LBUTTONUP WM_LBUTTONDOWN KEY_UP KEY_DOWN CRYSTAL_SCAR TWISTED_TREELINE SUMMONERS_RIFT HOWLING_ABYSS STATE_UNKNOWN STATE_ATTACK STATE_WINDUP STATE_WINDDOWN _Q _W _E _R ITEM_1 ITEM_2 ITEM_3 ITEM_4 ITEM_5 ITEM_6 ITEM_7 --(trinket) SUMMONER_1 SUMMONER_2 HK_Q HK_W HK_E HK_R HK_ITEM_1 HK_ITEM_2 HK_ITEM_3 HK_ITEM_4 HK_ITEM_5 HK_ITEM_6 HK_ITEM_7 --(trinket) HK_SUMMONER_1 HK_SUMMONER_2 HK_TCO -- Target Champions Only HK_LUS -- Level Up Spell Hotkey MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN --used by mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP Obj_AI_SpawnPoint Obj_AI_Camp Obj_AI_Barracks Obj_AI_Hero Obj_AI_Minion Obj_AI_Turret Obj_AI_LineMissle Obj_AI_Shop cursorPos (Vector2) mousePos (Vector3) myHero (GameObject) Global Functions: GetTickCount() GetImageInfoFromFile(path) PrintChat(message) -- prints one string print(...) -- prints everything DumpDocumentation(path) -- writes this text to a file
Was wird aus GoS Internal?
Keine Sorge, wir werden es weiterhin betreiben und es wird weiterhin gratis sein. Nur wenn ihr Zugriff auf die VIP Scripts haben wollt, müsst ihr ein Abonnement kaufen und damit nebenbei die Entwickler unterstützen. Der Preis des Abos beträgt 9$ (früher 10$).
1) Es ist absolut sicher. Die Einzige Möglichkeit auf dem Hauptaccount zu scripten ohne gebannt zu werden!
2) Es ist schnell und kostet euch keine Performance beim Spielen. Außerdem werden alle Markierungen in ein Overlay gesetzt das bedeutet man sieht sie beim streamen nicht!
Wenn du GoS External kaufen möchtest clicke bitte: HIER