- Revently, in our Vietnam LOL server, Garena has upgrade 3rd software scan method (ggdllhost.exe run in background) in the laucher. Seems like transfered from Korea and China server.
- Last year GOS is safe with but earlier this year to present, from 7.1 patch, i lost many account from high rank to unrank(just play with bot). Doesn't use evade script, only champion script. try as much manual as possible, humanizer...
---> Not only the injecting loader, but also all the process running in background is scanned and sent information to garena.

I'm here just to notice u guys consider scripting in garena server.
Because of unsecured software law in asia country, garena can add underground process to the laucher.
Edited by bchingau, 29 March 2017 - 04:53 .