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Help function minion target

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Does anyone know a function check which enemy minion is being focused by minions allies.
I want to create a function that checks how many minions allies are attacking an enemy minion


I'm trying to improve the function of lasthit because this not pleases me , loses much CS, especially when several minions focao the same target


and a function that checks if the champion enemy is facing me, for cassiopeia ult

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You can  I think  ,  But with current API you will have to play with 1 fps thanks to that  thing 
And check defsu/cloud cassiopea  R  for  something IsFacing and stuff  :popcorn:

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    The One

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i released a IsFacing lib..

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OnProcessSpell(function(Object,spellProc) --Object is a pointer to the caster of the spell; spellProc is a struct with some spell datas

--spellProc.target = returns a pointer to a target if there is any (for example Ryze Q is skillshot without target, but his W does have target)

Minions autoattacks have a valid target. :)
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