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got banned in level 17 for 2 weeks very fast

ban fast ban banwave

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  • LocationGermany

im just wondering is it just me i got banned so fast mostly i used only orbwalker played manually but what i can tell is i used TF and used scripts like choosing cards and so on could this be the reason ? Just wondering I did not play lol for a long time is the anti cheat higher than before  right now? just curious  to know 

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You will always get banned with Internal, Usually never with External

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  • Banned
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You will always get banned with Internal, Usually never with External

yeah true might be but just wondering how fast now I got ban it did not even last 1 month or something seems like free scripts and free users can't enjoy the scripts anymore without getting banned so fast well.... rip 

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Internal is getting useless for me. Because you get banned in weeks.

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Using a free internal hack expecting not to get banned.



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Using a free internal hack expecting not to get banned.



Free or not free it will get you banned. VIP does not change anything... 

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Free or not free it will get you banned. VIP does not change anything... 


External will change it :)

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  • Banned
  • PipPip
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  • LocationGermany

Using a free internal hack expecting not to get banned.



Dude, I know the thing is before all those new patches came at least I could level up to level 30 and even play ranked so far with scripts just surprised me how fast I got banned for like not even 2 weeks just started playing so it means that riot really got prepared for scripters maybe VIP will make you now last longer but that's it so don't make me look like stupid when I know what I'm talking about  gosh

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ban, fast ban, banwave

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