- Q dodges dangerous spells (with delay)
- Q follows dashes (Ez E, Tristana W,...)
- W on nukes
- Q to minons to dodge targeted
- Easy to modify table
- Perfect E usage
- Q KS
- Updated for IOW
- Auto LvL up system (compact)
- UseItems (compact)
Why a Yi Script?
The script has strong advantages in duel situations and has some smaller malfunctions in bigger teamfights (ARAM not recommended). I suggest going jungle, for global pressure and for the Devourer jungle item. I usually try to stack it as fast as possible and then build large amount of AS, which gets your Q cooldown very low.
My GlassCannon build: Devourer -> Berseker -> Blade -> PD -> IE -> Frozen Mallet/BT/QSS
Although some spells can't get dodged (Malz R, Naut R,...), the script will use Q and the enemy has to cast the spell again, which makes him loose valuable time.
Thank you all for your support.