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Waiting to inject into League of Legends(In game too)

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Need Help, 


Hello all, 


my Gos loader says "waiting to inject into league of legends" so, i started a custom game in Lol

even after 5 mins the Gos loader still says  "waiting to inject into league of legends". 

According to the forums i read here after starting a game in lol at loading screen the Gos Loader should say

"Successfully Injected". 


But my Gos loader still remains at  "waiting to inject into league of legends". 


Any help would be appreciated thank you.


In game Lol settings : Borderless 

GosLoader tried both checking and unchecking Manual Patch.


Patch version: 7.24
Server: EUW
Screen mode: Borderless
Scripts used: None (just figuring out the Injection problem)
Your champion: None
Error screenshot: -- 

When does crash happen: (In game, loading screen)  None

Edited by mast544, 03 January 2018 - 04:42 .

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    GoS Lover

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you should have vcredist x86 2015 installed

run things as admin

loader.exe should be placed in an english-named folder

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Thank you for the reply.


you should have vcredist x86 2015 installed

I already have it but i am not sure whether it is 64bit(x64) or 32bit(x86)  will check 


run things as admin



loader.exe should be placed in an english-named folder

i placed loader.exe on desktop.

Shall i move it to a floder on desktop?

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    GoS Lover

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its fine tho

do you have antivirus software installed?

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I followed the above steps. It doesnt work.


Yes i have antivirus COMODO but its in silent Mode which is similar to turn off i presume.

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✓  Best Answer



This post can be removed or moved to ANSWERED 


Here is the solution if someone facing problem with "Injection (Internal 7.24 patch)".


1. Make sure ur loader.exe runs as administrative rights

2. Double check if you have vcredist x86 2015 installed

3. Disable the firewall 

4. Double check if antivirus is disabled if not please disable it.

5. Install all the windows avaialble updates

6. Its not a bad idea to restart the PC couple of times if none of the above works :).


I followed the above procedure and i can sucessfully Inject Gos into Lol.

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