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Cant Carry need help

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Hello Guys first of all sorry for my bad english .

My Problem is i cant carry solo if i play adc my support feed all time or the enemy jungle + mid gank the **** out of my lane,im looking for champs on other lanes that can carry easy. I play in s5 and im new to scripts play with it for 5-6 days now , the only champ i dont have to script is xerath . Im happy to see your comments, have a nice day .
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Gamesteron brand and ezreal or auto 2.0 has been working well for me. I have like a 80% winrate with brand

But it's not SBTW like internal platforms. This actually requires a brain ( proper rotations, positioning, etc )... Once you figure it out you should be able to climb
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Gamesteron kog´maw is SpacebarToChallenger free elo

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The truth is a huge chunk of your games are unwinnable. Riot has some algorithm to make winning games harder and harder for every win if it doesn't want you to climb. I'm a D5 smurf, and I've noticed this on multiple accounts. At least 60% of the losses I've had on my current smurf have been due to all 4 of my teammates hard feeding.There are games where I get 200 games 36% winrate support playing soraka with domination rune when I'm adc, or when I go top and win lane 1v2 while getting hardcamped and somehow all 4 of my teammates still end up feeding. But if you're better than your elo you will always end up with a positive winrate, and you will climb.

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That's not true at all lmao
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Which script Jgl/Top ??

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The truth is a huge chunk of your games are unwinnable. Riot has some algorithm to make winning games harder and harder for every win if it doesn't want you to climb. I'm a D5 smurf, and I've noticed this on multiple accounts. At least 60% of the losses I've had on my current smurf have been due to all 4 of my teammates hard feeding.There are games where I get 200 games 36% winrate support playing soraka with domination rune when I'm adc, or when I go top and win lane 1v2 while getting hardcamped and somehow all 4 of my teammates still end up feeding. But if you're better than your elo you will always end up with a positive winrate, and you will climb.



After  2-3 wins in row riot  will match you vs better enemey and you will play with bad teamates...so you must solo carry ....in most case its not winable

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most times i stomp bot lane and when i look at my team's score its like 0/6 etc... my teammates cant do basic stuff like farming or looking at the wards i put (because the don't) etc...


its just a never ending ****storm with people dying all the time...


I manage to finish my matches always with a good score, my main champion score on op.gg is 5:1... im most of the times highest dmg in the game, highest vision score, one of the best k.d.a but just can't manage to win because some people are uncarriable...


i had really bad luck during my placements with some trolls and people afk and now im hardstuck in silver... was plat before playing legit.


dunno what to do.

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Gamesteron kog´maw is SpacebarToChallenger free elo

actually so true :D

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