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A quick katarina script

katarina katarina script request please

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Hey guys, all I want is a quick combo katarina script. The Q-E-W one on the ennemy back. That's it, but as quick as possible. And a key for all in combo with q-gunblade-e-w-r and kill steal E auto when the target is low hp. 


Thank you in advance and I hope we will make kat a challenjour climb script <3



EDIT: btw i played for so long with a katarina script which is exactly as I said at the beggining and It was truly PERFECT ! (sorry if it is for an other platform but i though It is going to help the guy who wants to make one, if it is not helping im sorry but I don't know how to  create a script or something like that) the link: https://raw.githubus...taiKatarina.lua

Edited by Raresk6543, 31 May 2018 - 11:51 .

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Yea Pls Gos platfrom Heantai Katarina

Edited by 5334712as1, 05 June 2018 - 11:58 .

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I hope there will be a script like this....... I am willing to pay for it

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: katarina, katarina script, request, please

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