Hi first time here,
Want to try GOS but not sure what i can do as free user?
Can i use in ranked? is there a game limit etc...
Hi first time here,
Want to try GOS but not sure what i can do as free user?
Can i use in ranked? is there a game limit etc...
you can have your ban
There's not much you can do man, and you'll get banned very quickly
Internal scripst are free, but not safe. If you want safe scripting buy external and use it.
how unsafe like less than two days unsafe o.o
One way to find out
how unsafe like less than two days unsafe o.o
1 game played in pvp = 100% banrate using internal. It might take a day, might take a month but the second you load a PVP game with it you can bet riot knows about it. They just dont issue the bans instantly.
If you care about the account, use external. You're a subscriber now so guessing you already bought it but still re-stating for others who might read this later.
1 game played in pvp = 100% banrate using internal. It might take a day, might take a month but the second you load a PVP game with it you can bet riot knows about it. They just dont issue the bans instantly.
If you care about the account, use external. You're a subscriber now so guessing you already bought it but still re-stating for others who might read this later.
LOL ... Is the external one so safe?
LOL ... Is the external one so safe?
Still safe.
you can have your ban
Ha ha!
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