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Just reached Diamond 5

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Thanks GoS. I honestly wouldnt have done without you! If there is enough interest I might be inclined to do a quick guide.

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Only D5? You can climb higher

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Nice dude, you can climb higher xD

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A guide would be awesome, congrats man.

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guide pls

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post opgg, ppl want to see champs, winrate, # of games etc... :)

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Here are my quick background with a small collection of scripts that I used.


Honestly, I was diamond 1 like 5 years back and took a hiatus. 

Honestly, you need to have a decent understanding of the game. That helped me alot and I mostly scripts for my lack of mechanics. Without any scripts I was Gold 1 which took me ~300 games. I started using GoS since that and it took me ~80 games to get diamond 5. Since, this was my first attempt, and my MMR was so shytty. that it took me this long.



If I create a new account and run on that, I am pretty confident ill reach plat+ inmuch lower game. Probably less than 50 games for high plat.


I have tried many different roles, Honestly, adc was the easiest role to carry with before the crit adc nerfs. Now, I choose jungler role for high elo.


Scripts that I used. They are not flashy but mostly gave me an edge:

JustEvade - On n off. depending on the situation.

ICOrbwalker - Really good for jungler role as you dont use it very often and quite good for skirmishes. I felt it was lacking in teamfights. 

LazyAIO - Rengar - Honestly, if you jsut play this champ with some common knowledge. you will reach plat I gurantee you. 

Xerath, Cassio Script - There are enough ppl who vouch for that. Play this champ, reach diamond. I avoided to play this champ in ranked because sometimes I was afraid i might get caught haha.

Usual official Utility scripts -  As a jungler in this fighter meta, This is such a boon. Adc is recalling? jump on the objective / initiate fight. No flash squishy Support trying to ward solo? Dead. It gives you that edge of knowing whether the opponent ultimate is down or up.


Some quick notes on Rengar:

For lower elos, I would advice you to go domination tree instead of fleet footwork as you need to carry and not trust on your teammates.

Be aggressive in getting those scuttle crabs and his buffs, and need to study map movements by deep warding.

Understand your matchups apart from the godly 1-1ers like Udyr and Xin. Try to contest the scuttle crabs asap. There are some jungle routes that I used from experience that almost always give me first blood. 

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Should make a little video! I always wanted to see how other people play with their scripts, as well as for beginners, understanding it's not as simple as spacebar-to-win. Cheers and good job!

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Is the Cassiopeia and Xerath scripts too blatant? im afraid to get banned using these

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Glad my rengo does its job :wub: thanks for sharing :)
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keep it up

have fun <3

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Is this using Internal or External?

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Is this using Internal or External?

External. He would've been banned a day in if he was using internal..

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