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Beta Tested SMITE PC Account for Valkyria Chronicles on Steam

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Has all the Ratatoskr cell-shaded Ratatoskr skins from the event they had
New Hel skins from that event
From the vault it has Violet Sorceress Aphrodite and Marvelous Maid Amaterasu
28 Avatars
Senpai Loading screen
3 different Pedestals
6 different announcer packs
2 different level up skins
Comes with 8300 current Fantasy Points, 18.8k in total
Level 89
Voice Packs - 32. Not going to list them all
Skins - 79 God skins, limited I know of: Violet Sorceress Aph, Marvelous Maid Amaterasu, Senpai Da Ji, Inner Demon Hel, Cacodemon Ymir (Beta tested account).

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