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Internal or External hack?

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Hello I'm new to GoS and have some questions:


1. Whats the difference between internal and external vip? Which one should i purchase?


2. Im trying to use the free version of GoS loader but im getting an error during loading screen and cant get into game.


"A critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated. Would you like to create acrash dump to aid the developers in troubleshooting this issue?"


How do i fix this? Would it be solved with the VIP versions?


3. I'm playing on the NA server, if I were to use scripts do i need to use VPN to prevent ip ban? Do they ban MAC address/UUID?
(I specify NA since I heard there are laws in EU where they cant do ip bans)


Thanks for your answers!

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More likely to get your account banned.

Scripts have better performance.

Have more available scripts.



Safer but you can get banned.

Scripts perform lower than Internal.




Riot will only issue a ban on the account you were scripting on as far as I know no matter the region you play on.

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ext safe, int risk ban, the choice is yours

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Whats the difference between paid and free internal script?

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you wont get ip banned

internal will definitely get you banned

ext is the only safe option if you care about your account

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Whats the difference between paid and free internal script?

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    You donut

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Have less scripts than Internal.


This is not correct, External Have more available scripts. 

Whats the difference between paid and free internal script?


Int completely free, doesn't need pay. Int vip subscription for VIP scripts but we have 3 vip scripts and those scripts are outdated.


Lastly: External is safe, last banwave was mid summer 2017.


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This is not correct, External Have more available scripts. 


Int completely free, doesn't need pay. Int vip subscription for VIP scripts but we have 3 vip scripts and those scripts are outdated.


Lastly: External is safe, last banwave was mid summer 2017.


Thanks for using our forum.

how about  tw Garena, can I use this External?

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