Vayne GoS Guide
Best Scripts:WRAIO, Prestigious Vayne
Your goal as vayne is simply to farm up, go for Vamp-> Bork first and try to stay as safe as possible, since your only goal is to get as much cs/gold as possible to get a lead or to get your core build faster.
What to do?
Vayne is a absolute late game monster, so wait for lategame, and try to force teamfights with objectives (Baron or Drake pit are perfect for vayne, because they got a decent amount of walls ;-) ). Just hold spacebar and stay to your tanks as near as possible.
Difference between playing obvious or non obvious
When you are playing completely obvious (so you don’t really care about bans and maybe you even play with evade) , just hold the spacebar and try to not get completely ham into their frontline.
When you are playing more humanlike, so with higher delays and without evade, you have to care more about your positioning than you have to when you play full obvious. You have to dodge by yourself and you kite fast, but not on that “robot-gosus-and-Fakers-Father” level. You should always look for enemy incoming skillshots and for staying next to your tanks/peel.
Okay Jiingz, but why Vayne??
Vayne can COMPLETELY stomp games when playing on a high level, and obviously, you play her on a high level with your scripts. You just have to look for that basic things just as positioning, and I can’t repeat it enough, scripts do not replace your brain! You have to think by yourself, and its your game knowledge which could stop you from climbing even with script mechanics.