Hello, me and my friend play botlane together and i'm just wondering what the best supports are and what scripts to use. I have tested Blitz and Thresh but they aren't very good at hooking any tips?
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Best Support?
Posted 03 September 2018 - 10:05

Posted 04 September 2018 - 12:51

Hello, me and my friend play botlane together and i'm just wondering what the best supports are and what scripts to use. I have tested Blitz and Thresh but they aren't very good at hooking any tips?
Go Xerath and get 1 ward item and the rest carry items. Jhin Xerath is scary if scripting.
Posted 11 September 2018 - 07:08

Brand is also awesome. But Xerath/Brand with a Jhin is OP. Or just them are supports in general. Also - Nami is great with Auto if you get used to it!
Posted 12 September 2018 - 05:29

TRUS Alistar. op af.
Edit: mage supports are good I play myself alot brand and played xerath but the thing is good adc and decent utility support runs over and game is anyway over in 20min or surrender 15min most of games.
generally I dont think xerath/brand are worth playing in high elo as support.. Maybe brand but idk when i lose as mage support its either I played with late game adc and enemy tank support dives us with jungler.
U need think about your teamcomp more than what is "best support" if u wanna play for win. worth of mentioning supports: taric,nami these 2 u can pretty much blind pick into anything. alistar,braum,brand, xerath generally ok picks but not for blind picking. and situtational best playmaker support: thresh.
Posted 12 September 2018 - 11:22

internal morgana good external morgana bad
Posted 13 September 2018 - 01:55

Lux of Auto 3.0
Galio And Soraka of LazyAIO
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