Climb wasnt easy, tons of trolls & afks (that's main reason for the struggle).
I'm not bragging about this, since diamond, and especially on LAN server is no biggie... but still, I wanted to share what actually helped me carry games (with ext).
also ext is much harder to carry games than any other platform I ever used, and i tested pretty much every script.
So by lanes:
Adc - Kai'sa ... Super op right now, Used lazyIO... went on a 15 winstreak at the lower elos and carried 1v9 games by using her.
Support: Pyke - BraindotEXE... works amazing and super easy to make a huge impact from the support role which I played not often, but still played sometimes.
mid: Pussyveigar - Helped me win promos to diamond, really good for high elo , RYZE - helped me in promos to plat and climb to diamond (script is in the beta section of the forums, forgot how its called, but its good) for farming I did some research on how to farm with ryze, it's E a minion, E the same minion again and follow by Q to clean big waves fast.
Jungle: played a bit, did ok with champs like shaco (lazyIO) but in the higher elo I got raped, lol.
Top: Perfectkayle (Script is not working perfectly) but dosent matter, play safe early, focus farm, late game your unstoppable.
that's it, hope it helps, if nobody cares, ignore