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Fear of getting banned on main account.

ban lol account level

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I wanna start scripting with this service but i am afraid of getting banned. I wanna try internal but i'm lazy and dont wanna make a new account and just wanna script on my main account which is lvl 100+ 
Can i somehow avoid being detected using internal paired with some kind of humanizer?
Thank you in advance,

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    You donut

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Hello! You can't use Internal because its outdated since 8.13 patch. You can only use GOS EXT. 


Also don't use any cheats on your main Account. Use cheats on smurf accounts. 

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i also learned the lesson the hard way.


Never ever cheat on your main account that you dont want to loose!!!! JUST DONT DO IT!


Make a smurf, use that for cheating!


No matter how secure your tools are, you always risk a ban, so dont risk you main :)

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Friend, honestly, having a high level account in the League is only worth it if your link is Diamond or higher. The lower links are easily hit by level 50 accounts. This way you, even with level 200, have the same level of gaming experience as someone with a level 50 account.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ban, lol, account, level

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