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Jungle Tab > JungleTimers:

Screenshot: jungletimers.gif

Feature explanation:

-JungleTimers Enabled: by enabling this feature you will have a timer (on the ground) over every camp which was recently cleared.

-You could check the following separate minions: Baron, Dragon, Blue, Red, Gromp, Wolves, Razorbeaks, Krugs, Scuttlers.
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Already love it.


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Note that minimap timers are planned but not ready yet. (need to implement minimap W2S first)

Also some jungle farming with mana managment is possible. (including spells/AA+orbwalking)

Not to mention i haven't forgotten about Nunu and Cho'Gath consume.

And you might want to give suggestions in this thread.
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Note that minimap timers are planned but not ready yet. (need to implement minimap W2S first)

Also some jungle farming with mana managment is possible. (including spells/AA+orbwalking)

Not to mention i haven't forgotten about Nunu and Cho'Gath consume.

And you might want to give suggestions in this thread.

Cheers, Fere!

Tool is almost perfect, I love the evade and other features.

The only thing for this that I can suggest is to add timers for lane creeps.


Another suggestion for the tool would be add more features to the orbwalker, such as lasthit, or laneclear.

The features that it has atm are very good implemented

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How can timers for lanecreeps be implemented?

Also there is a lasthit implemented in the combo, but no laneclear yet (which is planned btw).
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How can timers for lanecreeps be implemented?

Also there is a lasthit implemented in the combo, but no laneclear yet (which is planned btw).

Maybe a timer in the bases which said when lanecreeps spawn, and timers on towers to say on average when the first lanecreep will come to the tower without any interruptions...

It'd be a pretty cool and unique feature:D

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Thanks  Feretorix a good job!
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Waiting............ clear lane :) la la la

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Nice. Now make minimap timers. Kappa
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Would nice add an option to know if the camps are beeing attacked with status: attacking or beeing attacked, dead, with something to aware you of it.

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Would nice add an option to know if the camps are beeing attacked with status: attacking or beeing attacked, dead, with something to aware you of it.

You do not need to change anything because that everything works well and correctly, I think the guys did a good job keep it up!

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@Xees120, he mentioned options from L$ which you can see jungle activity in fog (without ward vision).
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    What is script?

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Sometimes this bugs and doesn't display the time correctly.

Example: I slayed Blue Buff and the timer appeared after 10 seconds, giving me the wrong respawn time later on. Also I think that it should be displayed on the minimap as well.

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Sometimes this bugs and doesn't display the time correctly.

Example: I slayed Blue Buff and the timer appeared after 10 seconds, giving me the wrong respawn time later on. Also I think that it should be displayed on the minimap as well.


Everything works fine time it is always good I do not know what the problem ..
+ it is still a beta so different problems may arise but at the time it is very accurate

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It's been 2 months since we talked about minimap timers, what's the hold up?  This is really important.  I think it's more important than showing it on main map.  I never look at the timer on main map really, I only look at the minimap timer.

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