Just list what champs don't work and what skill.
1) Champion: Gnar
Skils: NO Q, NO W, NO E
Just list what champs don't work and what skill.
1) Champion: Gnar
Skils: NO Q, NO W, NO E
Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Cassiopea Corki
Jarvan IV
Tahm Kench
Don't Forget To Delete GoS Folder In AppData and Reinstall Everything in Loader if Spells aren't working for you!!!!
And if some champions aren't added it means they are working perfect or I don't own them
Edited by Zypppy, 16 July 2015 - 02:19 .
Updated Anivia,Azir,Bard,Elise,Galio,Heimerdinger,irelia,Janna,Jarvan . I will try to re-test all champs every GoS update:)
Vayne QWER dont working
Vayne QWER dont working
Vayne,for me works without a problem.
Vayne QWER dont working
press f7 nad go to HarrasCombo menu with mouse and edit settings there
Jinx q works very well but does not use the rest of skills
Will look into her and add tips or something
Katarina cancelling her R :L
Syndra - Q working, W have to manually select a ball or minion but then it will throw, E working but does not stun/work with Q, R is working but casts no matter how many balls are out.
[ Champ ] Kalista
[ Combo ] Not working
Ty everyone for feedback , Will look at those champs and try fixin errors like Sydnras EQ with HarassCombo Settings
i dont know but on Any champions combo didnt work me ;/
i dont know but on Any champions combo didnt work me ;/
Press F7 "Menu will open" Press "with mouse" HarassCombo tab and There will be settings for every spell
le blank W spell crash lol
le blank W spell crash lol
Will look into
Ty for feedback
2) Alistar WQ combo not working tested 4 times "Uses w and after 1sec delay q when enemy is out of q range
3)Amumu w keeps toggling and untoggling spell while in pressing space when enemy is in w range everything else works fine
4) Ashe W/R at max range is broken use it at close range , Q range indicator is broken so it wont use q
5)Azir Q/W/E/R not working , but kiting ,lasthit,poke when solders are summoned is working
6)Bard Q/W/R not working , e working but when near walls and it uses it as skillshot to hit enemies but mkaes portal at walls
7) Brand everything is fine W/Q are pretty accurate but wont use spells in made order in settingsmenu WE 1 st and q 3rd then r it will use all skills like this Q1st W2nd E3rd and then R .In different ranges different spell usages
8)Zac As far as I tested Q is working really good W is used a little bit out of range E Cancels with movement And R is good
9)Braum Q is good , E too ,But W and R arent working
10)Cassiopea enable Q/W drawing so you will know at what range it will be cast so GoS wont waste ur E if enemy is in ur e range
Q/W prediction is good
11)Diana everything good just one tip Try using q at max range so R wont be used to early but if ur lucky u will do this R-Q"mid air" -HitsTargetQ-Rreset
12)Draven If ur using Q in combo after hitting enemy when axe is dropping it will stop orbwalking unless u catch axe and after that it will stop again after hitting enemhy while q is on
E is working fine at max/mid range
13)Elise is working fine QWE im both forms , just auto r switch is near you character so its better to change forms yourself
14)Ezrael Q is really accurate but w is not , and R with E aren't working . Just make q in combo enabled and others dont
15)Fiddle E Not working W Cancels"but evade doesnt cancel . What cancels it are aa and movements " Q Working , R Not working
16)Fiora Everything is fine QWER works But Q and R ranges are too small
17)Fizz QWR Working REALLY GOOD , E is not cause it will use it in 1 Place not moving so use it on your own "Situational"
18)Gp QWER Working fine , GoS has auto stun remover with gp W in Survival tab , Mark it or use yourself
19) Garen QE Working good , R will insta use so use it yourself as well as W
20)Graves WER Are working fine just Q shoots to early sometimes , use it at Medium range
21)Heca QWE Working , R Not working
22)Heimer QWE Working , R not working
23)Janna Q Working good "Not fully charging" E not working, R Situational , W Working
24)Jarvan IV EQW Combo working good if proper settings are made , R Not working
25)Jax Q Working "But smaller range than accual one" W " sometimes don'T work" E "Works Really Good" R "Works"
26)Jayce Canoon"Ranged"Stance Q working W Working E Working EQ combo not working
Hammer"Melee"Stance Q Not working W Working E Not working
R Not working in both stances
27)Jinx Q Not Working "Broken Range. Use manualy" W Working really good E Working good R" Prefer manual use ,but if u set it to 1st skill in menu Skill order it will use auto at selected/closest target "
28) Kalista Q Working really good W "Prefer manual use but if u want to follow that person in bushes then enable it " Works E "Manual use " R"Manual or auto/insta use your choice"
29)Karma QW Working E not working R "Working on really close range , use manualy "
30)Katarina QWE Working fine R Not working "Cancels with auto attacks and Movement"
Why you started from 2?
Why you started from 2?
1st one is done at the beginning
2) Alistar WQ combo not working tested 4 times "Uses w and after 1sec delay q when enemy is out of q range
3)Amumu w keeps toggling and untoggling spell while in pressing space when enemy is in w range everything else works fine
4) Ashe W/R at max range is broken use it at close range , Q range indicator is broken so it wont use q
5)Azir Q/W/E/R not working , but kiting ,lasthit,poke when solders are summoned is working
6)Bard Q/W/R not working , e working but when near walls and it uses it as skillshot to hit enemies but mkaes portal at walls
7) Brand everything is fine W/Q are pretty accurate but wont use spells in made order in settingsmenu WE 1 st and q 3rd then r it will use all skills like this Q1st W2nd E3rd and then R .In different ranges different spell usages
8)Zac As far as I tested Q is working really good W is used a little bit out of range E Cancels with movement And R is good
9)Braum Q is good , E too ,But W and R arent working
10)Cassiopea enable Q/W drawing so you will know at what range it will be cast so GoS wont waste ur E if enemy is in ur e range
Q/W prediction is good
11)Diana everything good just one tip Try using q at max range so R wont be used to early but if ur lucky u will do this R-Q"mid air" -HitsTargetQ-Rreset
12)Draven If ur using Q in combo after hitting enemy when axe is dropping it will stop orbwalking unless u catch axe and after that it will stop again after hitting enemhy while q is on
E is working fine at max/mid range
13)Elise is working fine QWE im both forms , just auto r switch is near you character so its better to change forms yourself
14)Ezrael Q is really accurate but w is not , and R with E aren't working . Just make q in combo enabled and others dont
15)Fiddle E Not working W Cancels"but evade doesnt cancel . What cancels it are aa and movements " Q Working , R Not working
16)Fiora Everything is fine QWER works But Q and R ranges are too small
17)Fizz QWR Working REALLY GOOD , E is not cause it will use it in 1 Place not moving so use it on your own "Situational"
18)Gp QWER Working fine , GoS has auto stun remover with gp W in Survival tab , Mark it or use yourself
19) Garen QE Working good , R will insta use so use it yourself as well as W
20)Graves WER Are working fine just Q shoots to early sometimes , use it at Medium range
21)Heca QWE Working , R Not working
22)Heimer QWE Working , R not working
23)Janna Q Working good "Not fully charging" E not working, R Situational , W Working
24)Jarvan IV EQW Combo working good if proper settings are made , R Not working
25)Jax Q Working "But smaller range than accual one" W " sometimes don'T work" E "Works Really Good" R "Works"
26)Jayce Canoon"Ranged"Stance Q working W Working E Working EQ combo not working
Hammer"Melee"Stance Q Not working W Working E Not working
R Not working in both stances
27)Jinx Q Not Working "Broken Range. Use manualy" W Working really good E Working good R" Prefer manual use ,but if u set it to 1st skill in menu Skill order it will use auto at selected/closest target "
28) Kalista Q Working really good W "Prefer manual use but if u want to follow that person in bushes then enable it " Works E "Manual use " R"Manual or auto/insta use your choice"
29)Karma QW Working E not working R "Working on really close range , use manualy "
30)Katarina QWE Working fine R Not working "Cancels with auto attacks and Movement"
31)Kayle Q working WER Not working
32)Kha'Zix QER Working W Broken with minion collision
33)Kog'Maw ER Working QW Not working
34)LB QW Working fine E at max range misses alot , R not working
35) LeeSin Q prediction is bad at max range W not using E is used not in range R Will insta use "Use manualy"
36)Lissandra Q Working Good R Working Good WE Will be wasted if used at max range
37)Lulu Q working W Working "Enemy Only" E Working "Enemy Only " R will use ASAP when enemy is in range when ur holding space use manualy
mighty good work there pal!!
mighty good work there pal!!
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