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Possible maphack since 10.8?

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So today, while playing a game I noticed something weird. The map awareness part of LazyAIO started showing me the position of the enemy jungler in the fog of war. I could see his current position, when he stopped to farm camp, when he recalled.


Next game, same thing happened. I took some clips:
Enemy toplaner walking to midlane after recalling: https://mega.nz/file...OeLCLaZ9RSkUgj0

Enemy toplaner farming our jungle: https://mega.nz/file...ta5oamAL-PDo01A

Stealthed enemy Twitch walking to bush to recall: https://mega.nz/file...uQm68opXM-Jthts


Third game, same thing. Now I can see their jungle Diana and enemy Yasuo walking: https://mega.nz/file...kb8wqBQTb8YkXHI


Obviously, something changed this patch and the server is sending packets about heroes in fog of war, albeit not all. Might be related to Riot experimenting, seeing how they advertised their server-side fog of war for Valorant. I'm hoping someone smarter than me can check if this can be used to make a workable maphack. Other details: this was on NA realm today and I was playing Yuumi these games. Playing on a Windows PC. Scripts I was using: https://pastebin.com/raw/9KB2FVsr


EDIT: 4th game, I see jungle and adc: https://mega.nz/file...1T_gsNm_h6Qh9PA


EDIT2: Actually, this game I could see enemy jungle (Fiddle), adc (Draven) and mid (Rumble).

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Maybe it's just riot's fault, you know their codes are Spaghetti

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(work now. my isp network suck)

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error. can't load



Try this: https://pastebin.com/aSkLTFkh

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what champion missing tracker script you use?

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what champion missing tracker script you use?


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can confirm it work.(really random. only some enemy can track)
they fu-cked their server.

updating champion pos while in fog of war

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can confirm it work.(really random. only some enemy can track)
they fu-cked their server.

updating champion pos while in fog of war


Yup, but usually at least one enemy champ after few minutes of game, almost always the jungler. Last game I had 4 people visible.

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Thank you for sharing.

I have one question, is still happening only with LazyAIO ? If yes, which champions is working with it ?

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I am not aware of this, but EXT is reading only available decrypted information in memory. So indeed Rito did something weird to their servers, something which does not belong to the client.

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