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scripts no funcionan correctamente

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Buenas, como ya leisteis en el titulo, no consigo que funcionen bien los scripts, alguien me puede ayudar? 

tengo todo instalado como ya señalan en los tutoriales que hay por el foro. 


gracias de antemano

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    You donut

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  • LocationSomewhere over the rainbow

Firstly, you have this issue because you did miss something. 


Follow these steps.

  1. Get this file. http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/
  2. Make your keys like this. (Check the spoiler)
  3. Also set this key (check spoiler)
  4. Install some scripts: http://gamingonstero...g-fine12042020/
  5. Go to a game it'll be working if you follow these steps properly, do not say " I did everything "
  6. Also disable the drawings on the orbwalker and scripts. 

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all like this and dont work bro, i test in diferent champs, ty for reply.


no last hit, dont good move, no combo... not good work


Firstly, you have this issue because you did miss something. 


Follow these steps.

  1. Get this file. http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/
  2. Make your keys like this. (Check the spoiler)
  3. Also set this key (check spoiler)
  4. Install some scripts: http://gamingonstero...g-fine12042020/
  5. Go to a game it'll be working if you follow these steps properly, do not say " I did everything "
  6. Also disable the drawings on the orbwalker and scripts. 


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    You donut

  • Moderator
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  • LocationSomewhere over the rainbow

all like this and dont work bro, i test in diferent champs, ty for reply.


no last hit, dont good move, no combo... not good work

Record a video show the issue and your key settings etc so i can help you, you are just saying doesnt work  i can't help like this. 

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i can share my screen in discord if u want, give me ur user PM

Record a video show the issue and your key settings etc so i can help you, you are just saying doesnt work  i can't help like this. 

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