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It does really work, it helps me alot, I swear Im not a bot. It does work perfectly with highest graphics, fullscreen, not problem with that. It also works in online, which is awesome! Some people say game is unhackable, but heh, they lie, its really worth 15 eur for month, good deal. And anyone reading this, did he found some best of bestest settings on it? Theres alot of options, I stick with default mostly, but if anybody can share his settings that works best, I will appreacite that. And also thanks Haisa for his/her work, I hope this supports you on doing much more options, etc.. Bye! =)

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    RocketLeague Dev

  • RocketLeague Dev
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Thank you for the support and your review.

As for the settings, using the default ones, you can modify them based on your needs/play style, which can also depend on your rank/experience with the game . They are a good starting point.
Personally, I use the default at champion 3 level
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