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Review by a 1600+ MMR player

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Hi all,


short story about me: I'm playing rocket league since 2k15 and have played it more than 4k hours including my smurfs. So far, I would say I'm quite a good player. Also I'm a software dev who was coding game hacks. Anyway, I stopped that cuz lack of time.




Before I'm going to review all the nice functions I use, I'm gonna tell you about a nice helper, too: I'm playing with a controller and use reWASD to map the bot-keys to my controller inputs. There might be other tools that do that but the main reason I use reWASD is, that I also use other combos with it. Examples given: Perfect stalling, breezi flick and the most important one: half flip back. That's helping alot in positioning.


Demolition Bot


Literally using it every match at least once. I bind it to "Right Stick Up" due to the auto-boost function I don't need my thumb there. Works very well and ensured me definitily more goals. Shortly I noticed a bug that's maybe related to the supersonic speed calculation. When I'm quite slow (e.g. stucked after a 50 challenged, dropped to floor) but close to the enemy and activate the demo-bot to maybe get that cheap bump that turns his car (so not a demo, still a bump) and might ensure the goal, the demo-bot doesnt speed up and uses the boost I have. It just drives without boost toward the opponent though I could touch him much faster with the boost. I guess it's because I use the boost saving function, but honestly I would expect it to use all my boost to ensure the bump, even though I cant reach supersonic speed in reach of the opponent.


Rate: 4/5 


Kickoff Bot


Insane. The timings are perfect. I combine the kickoff bot with me controlling the ball touch. Literally I'm always doing the first touch and can win alot of mid boosts. I use the kickoff-bot on my "Right Stick Down". Nothing more to say.


Rate: 5/5


Aerial Bot


Well. That's probably the most interesting bot out there for rocket league right now. First off, the aerial bot works very good. Not perfect, but I defenitly like were the development of this goes. I bind the aerial bot to "Left Stick Down". Why? I need my right thumb for the boost control, because I don't use the auto-boost or any other automation settings for the aerial bot. Also, because I'm able to move the stick around while holding it down, I can use my flip while using the bot. That already lead to some nice double-taps starting of the wall. You can also do some airdrags/dribbles with this bot, but you have to be a better player. I usually do the start of an airdribble/drag manually and then, when my setup was good, I let do the bot the rest. Nice goals happend! Backboard shots are very dangerous, when u just have to hold the button down.


Where I wish more improvement could be done? => 

  • Longer aerials: Sometimes the bot turns the nose of my car high up in the air but the ball is far away. Like when a clear happens on our side, both oppenents are at our net so their's open. I immeaditly follow to get the bouncy ball close to their goal but I lose important time because the nose of my car is looking higher in the sky than it would've too. Maybe this is speed related. I just notice this rarely and I usually start aerials using my own skill.
  • Defense aerial mode: Might be simple implemented and very effective. I usually use Normal Freestyle as my prefered aerial mode. But since there is already a "defense zone" I would love to choose another aerial mode for the defense behaviour. I would use the normal aerial mode for that purpose. The Normal Freestyle mode struggles with higher balls right above you "dropping on your topper" and with shadow defense. When the shot happens, my car sometimes turns the top to the floor and can't reach it anymore. Still did some epic saves with the aerial bot in Normal Freestyle
  • Flip Reset mode: Would love to be able to use an own hotkey for this mode. I rarely use flip resets which would be wasted to uses as an "aerial mode".. :-)
  • Sometimes the bot uses the wrong airroll direction. I noticed that more often when jumping from a higher point at the wall and the ball is not that far away. Airroll right would have make more sense but it used left or other way round. I counter this by flying more on my own skills from the wall and then let overtake the bot.
  • Deny wheel shots: I use the airial control function for the ball touches. I let some open nets being open nets because the bot stopped airolling with my wheels towards the ball (mostly when i fly from the center and the ball is slightly left or right next to the goal). Wheel shots didnt give enough power and it got saved. Wheelshots, however, can be very usefull close above the net.

Rate: 4/5 (It's not perfect but I like the way it goes. Ensured me a lot of more ball touches and gaining more MMR in the end of the day, but I know that there is more power available)




Thanks for all the hard work you put in there!

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Hi all,

short story about me: I'm playing rocket league since 2k15 and have played it more than 4k hours including my smurfs. So far, I would say I'm quite a good player. Also I'm a software dev who was coding game hacks. Anyway, I stopped that cuz lack of time.


Before I'm going to review all the nice functions I use, I'm gonna tell you about a nice helper, too: I'm playing with a controller and use reWASD to map the bot-keys to my controller inputs. There might be other tools that do that but the main reason I use reWASD is, that I also use other combos with it. Examples given: Perfect stalling, breezi flick and the most important one: half flip back. That's helping alot in positioning.

Demolition Bot

Literally using it every match at least once. I bind it to "Right Stick Up" due to the auto-boost function I don't need my thumb there. Works very well and ensured me definitily more goals. Shortly I noticed a bug that's maybe related to the supersonic speed calculation. When I'm quite slow (e.g. stucked after a 50 challenged, dropped to floor) but close to the enemy and activate the demo-bot to maybe get that cheap bump that turns his car (so not a demo, still a bump) and might ensure the goal, the demo-bot doesnt speed up and uses the boost I have. It just drives without boost toward the opponent though I could touch him much faster with the boost. I guess it's because I use the boost saving function, but honestly I would expect it to use all my boost to ensure the bump, even though I cant reach supersonic speed in reach of the opponent.

Rate: 4/5

Kickoff Bot

Insane. The timings are perfect. I combine the kickoff bot with me controlling the ball touch. Literally I'm always doing the first touch and can win alot of mid boosts. I use the kickoff-bot on my "Right Stick Down". Nothing more to say.

Rate: 5/5

Aerial Bot

Well. That's probably the most interesting bot out there for rocket league right now. First off, the aerial bot works very good. Not perfect, but I defenitly like were the development of this goes. I bind the aerial bot to "Left Stick Down". Why? I need my right thumb for the boost control, because I don't use the auto-boost or any other automation settings for the aerial bot. Also, because I'm able to move the stick around while holding it down, I can use my flip while using the bot. That already lead to some nice double-taps starting of the wall. You can also do some airdrags/dribbles with this bot, but you have to be a better player. I usually do the start of an airdribble/drag manually and then, when my setup was good, I let do the bot the rest. Nice goals happend! Backboard shots are very dangerous, when u just have to hold the button down.

Where I wish more improvement could be done? =>

  • Longer aerials: Sometimes the bot turns the nose of my car high up in the air but the ball is far away. Like when a clear happens on our side, both oppenents are at our net so their's open. I immeaditly follow to get the bouncy ball close to their goal but I lose important time because the nose of my car is looking higher in the sky than it would've too. Maybe this is speed related. I just notice this rarely and I usually start aerials using my own skill.
  • Defense aerial mode: Might be simple implemented and very effective. I usually use Normal Freestyle as my prefered aerial mode. But since there is already a "defense zone" I would love to choose another aerial mode for the defense behaviour. I would use the normal aerial mode for that purpose. The Normal Freestyle mode struggles with higher balls right above you "dropping on your topper" and with shadow defense. When the shot happens, my car sometimes turns the top to the floor and can't reach it anymore. Still did some epic saves with the aerial bot in Normal Freestyle
  • Flip Reset mode: Would love to be able to use an own hotkey for this mode. I rarely use flip resets which would be wasted to uses as an "aerial mode".. :-)
  • Sometimes the bot uses the wrong airroll direction. I noticed that more often when jumping from a higher point at the wall and the ball is not that far away. Airroll right would have make more sense but it used left or other way round. I counter this by flying more on my own skills from the wall and then let overtake the bot.
  • Deny wheel shots: I use the airial control function for the ball touches. I let some open nets being open nets because the bot stopped airolling with my wheels towards the ball (mostly when i fly from the center and the ball is slightly left or right next to the goal). Wheel shots didnt give enough power and it got saved. Wheelshots, however, can be very usefull close above the net.
Rate: 4/5 (It's not perfect but I like the way it goes. Ensured me a lot of more ball touches and gaining more MMR in the end of the day, but I know that there is more power available)

Thanks for all the hard work you put in there!

Thank you for the detailed review.

Some tweaks like the demobot suggestion can definitely be done, as to others they are much harder to fix or improve.

I'm also curious if you have tried different freestyle aerial modes, such as alternate 2 ? And have you made your own kickoff settings or you are using the default ones at this MMR?
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Really nice insights. Thank you for sharing. I'm a normal experienced player with plat 3 solo queue without using this tool. I used it and I really don't gained anything from it. I also play with the controller and I bound it to my D-PAD.


Kickoffs (Bound to D-PAD down):

Yes the kickoffs are crazy good but people in my rank are "countering" it with an unintentional delayed kickoff. So I have to jump in and adjust the path manually. Sometimes I'm too slow and I hard loose the kickoff. What do you do about intentional delayed kickoffs?


Demobot (Bound to D-PAD Up):

The Demobot is really useful but I don't know often when and when not to use it. It is easier to go for bumps and demos spontaneously and it is hard to get down from the left Stick to the D Pad. The possibility is gone when I reach with my finger the right key.


Aerial Bot (Bound to X on Xbox Controller):

Really hard to tell but the bot for me makes only sense when I'm the only one that is going for the ball and I have a lot space and a lot time. Often when an opponent challenge the Aerial bot will loose the challenge because it is kind of slow but precise and try to hit the ball towards the net instead of just going fast and win the challenge. I did not test the updated version of the Aerial bot but the version from January I felt that I do manually a better job. Yes I'm not so cool like the freestyle version with my aerials and I'm far from precise but I win a lot challenges that leads into better situations for my team. 

I tried a lot of different settings but kept with the default ones.


What do you think about the ball prediction feature?

First I thought that will boost my gameplay but I don't know. It distracted me a lot instead of helping me. There were some rare moments where "I read" plays like a god but more often it was only distracting for me. So I disabled it. Same for the boost timers. 

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Thank you for the detailed review.

Your're welcome!




Some tweaks like the demobot suggestion can definitely be done, as to others they are much harder to fix or improve.

That sounds good. On a higher level of player it really comes to the details.




I'm also curious if you have tried different freestyle aerial modes, such as alternate 2 ?

Yes I did play around with all of them in custom airrial training to get used to their "weaknesses" and making sure I use them right in the middle of the heat. I was feeling that the Normal Freestyle is my go to, but since you point out to Alternate 2 i might gonna check it out more in depth. :-)




And have you made your own kickoff settings or you are using the default ones at this MMR?

Only using the default ones. I just let do the kickoff bot doing its job and stop using the bot when I land right before the ball. The flip into the ball is then up to me. I can better adapt to the situations doing it like this. Some do fake kickoffs, some do delayed kickoffs and others are simple slower in the kickoff but still know to attack the ball from a centered position. I would pass them straight on their nose and they get a kickoff win.




I just saw a video of the chinese version of rocket league. In the chinese version players can always see a LEGIT ball predicition line, that perfectly adjust to the ball speed, gravity and spinning. It's pretty much like the ball prediciton you can use when setting up custom training shots. Maybe there is something like this in the "normal" version of rocket league stored in the code somewhere you guys could use for the ball prediciton system (would probably also increase the airrial bot performance).

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Really nice insights. Thank you for sharing. I'm a normal experienced player with plat 3 solo queue without using this tool. I used it and I really don't gained anything from it. I also play with the controller and I bound it to my D-PAD.


Kickoffs (Bound to D-PAD down):

Yes the kickoffs are crazy good but people in my rank are "countering" it with an unintentional delayed kickoff. So I have to jump in and adjust the path manually. Sometimes I'm too slow and I hard loose the kickoff. What do you do about intentional delayed kickoffs?


Demobot (Bound to D-PAD Up):

The Demobot is really useful but I don't know often when and when not to use it. It is easier to go for bumps and demos spontaneously and it is hard to get down from the left Stick to the D Pad. The possibility is gone when I reach with my finger the right key.


Aerial Bot (Bound to X on Xbox Controller):

Really hard to tell but the bot for me makes only sense when I'm the only one that is going for the ball and I have a lot space and a lot time. Often when an opponent challenge the Aerial bot will loose the challenge because it is kind of slow but precise and try to hit the ball towards the net instead of just going fast and win the challenge. I did not test the updated version of the Aerial bot but the version from January I felt that I do manually a better job. Yes I'm not so cool like the freestyle version with my aerials and I'm far from precise but I win a lot challenges that leads into better situations for my team. 

I tried a lot of different settings but kept with the default ones.


What do you think about the ball prediction feature?

First I thought that will boost my gameplay but I don't know. It distracted me a lot instead of helping me. There were some rare moments where "I read" plays like a god but more often it was only distracting for me. So I disabled it. Same for the boost timers. 




What do you do about intentional delayed kickoffs?

Read my upper post! :-)




Demobot (Bound to D-PAD Up):

That's exactly the reason why I use it on my right stick. You dont need your thumb to controll the boost or jumps. 

Bumping/Demo in general is a thing that's you have to "learn". It totally depends on the situation but the demo bot ensured me the "save bump/demo" or double demo to the goal... Demos thrrew up the opponents rotation and some get really aggressive if you do it multiple times. You break their mind :-P On my D-Pad down I use "half flip back" to get back to my net fast.




Aerial Bot (Bound to X on Xbox Controller):

Too difficult for me when it comes to proper boost usage or using a flip mid air. The only chance I was seeing here is to put in on L3. That changed a lot for me.




I did not test the updated version of the Aerial bot

The new aerial controls are a huge improvement. I (the bot) did some sick shots. Maybe I'm going to post some of them.




What do you think about the ball prediction feature?

Im totally with you. Very difficult to say. I'm still playing with it activated on maximum calculation length. I usually dont look that much on it only when it comes to very detailed situation. Like, when the ball get's very close to the ceiling or you are not in the best position to read the backboard bounce nicely. Then it still helps. It helps a lot when it comes to defending. Knowing that this ball wont go in even though it's very close to the net saves you that "stressful" aerial save you maybe **** up. simply catch the ball on ground and go on :-D




Same for the boost timers. 

Boost timers are very usefull IMO. When it comes to enemy boost starving it's very good. Also when you hit a higher level of play and boost is even more gone you will find that feature usefull.



The Demo-Bot and Boosttimers are especially a skill boost for 1v1 players. But, in the end of the day you need to have fundamental game knowledge and being able to "read" the game to get the maximum out of such a great hack. Also the aerialbot is really good to do double touches. I constantly can do double touches for the save clear if im in the right spot. Not only that's a good clear then but most likely an opponent doesn't see the double touch clear coming and whiffs. Instantly play a 2v1 or 3v2. I could write books about these details.... :-D

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yo mind sharing ur rewasd files?

;) i kinda need some pro configs

add me on discord if u wanna share it


thx in advance

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I agree with a lot of this.  The aerial behavior overall in the 3.0.0 update has been made significantly better.  Like you said the only issues I've had (that I just try to fix manually in the moment) are the longer balls with the nose pointing too high to get to the ball in a reasonable amount of time(I increased the starting velocity to help this a little but still if the ball is too far away it will point upwards strangely) and then the defensive balls/shadow defense which I've suggested in the past having the ability for multiple keybinds for different types of aerial because I've found Strict Mode is absolutely insane for defense.  

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