I'm gonna post regulary to this thread now to show you some gameplays with the aerial bot (most of the time). I'm going to show you sick plays but also fails. Its to show you how you can improve much more with this genious hack.
1) https://i.imgur.com/MzVEkxo.mp4
This is a very "simple" save some would say. It's not. Well, the ball is easy to save but not the way I/the bot do/es it. Keep a closer look to it. All I do is timing the jump and position my car to get the exact touch I want to, but in fact the air-control is the bot. It uses an airroll right and also moves the nose of the car down towards the ball to get the perfect soft touch and I can maintain control over my car and the ball allowing me to go for my corner boost and immediatly start the counter attack.
2) https://i.imgur.com/HGu5nwo.mp4
Very good pass because of the freestyling mode and the aerial control mode. ~1500 MMR casual on my smurf. Not the best defending, still the pass put one of the opponents in a totally awkward situation.
3) https://i.imgur.com/CJGRRkL.mp4
My mate played a very ****ed up pass straight to the opponents leading to a fast counter attack... Luckily I could "read" the ball and do the perfect aerial to deny the backboard bounce probably leading to the equalizer. These are usually very difficult balls to defend.
4) https://i.imgur.com/Gsp8in9.mp4
Perfect double tap pass. Look how the air control mode snaps in two times. :-)
5) https://i.imgur.com/dePn1e5.mp4
Smurfing in C2. Luckily they missed that easy ball at the backboard giving me a nice pass to that wonderfull aerial.
6) https://i.imgur.com/ZfqGGZA.mp4
Clean double tap on my smurf in 3S. The others were C3. I controlled the boost, the bot did the rest.
7) https://i.imgur.com/JgMMm39.mp4
Aerial from left to to right side of the net leading to a beautiful pinch goal. Me only controlling the boost @ 2100 casual mmr.
Overtime double tap. Aerial start from wall done by myself. Rest boost control and aiming by aerial bot.
Airdribble from corner to the net. Start by me, then bot.
Double tap. Started the aerial very bad cuz of backward momentum. Still could handle it because of boost management. Overtime goal @ 2100 cas mmr.
11) https://i.imgur.com/QVwMpuR.mp4
reWASD (half flip back) + Aerial Bot
12) https://i.imgur.com/hC7zUXz.mp4
Nice training shot, when you know how to start the aerial and use the boost properly.
Kick-Off Bot for the flip, I dodge into the wall leading to a very powerful kickoff. Aerial bot then scoring it.
Aerial bot fails:
1) https://i.imgur.com/ZGgjKp0.mp4
When above ball suddenly my cars nose moved up. I had ~50 boost left, ball wasn't even super sonic and usually could have touched it a second time to force some pressure on the opponents. They could easily catch it and counter attack. When you are above the ball you need to take care, that the bot doesn't mess up. I think it has to do something with the "aim at the goal" feature and the incoming floor bounce read.
[... more coming soon]