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Gameplays (small videos)

gameplay video tutorials

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I'm gonna post regulary to this thread now to show you some gameplays with the aerial bot (most of the time). I'm going to show you sick plays but also fails. Its to show you how you can improve much more with this genious hack.


1) https://i.imgur.com/MzVEkxo.mp4

This is a very "simple" save some would say. It's not. Well, the ball is easy to save but not the way I/the bot do/es it. Keep a closer look to it. All I do is timing the jump and position my car to get the exact touch I want to, but in fact the air-control is the bot. It uses an airroll right and also moves the nose of the car down towards the ball to get the perfect soft touch and I can maintain control over my car and the ball allowing me to go for my corner boost and immediatly start the counter attack.


2) https://i.imgur.com/HGu5nwo.mp4

Very good pass because of the freestyling mode and the aerial control mode. ~1500 MMR casual on my smurf. Not the best defending, still the pass put one of the opponents in a totally awkward situation.


3) https://i.imgur.com/CJGRRkL.mp4

My mate played a very ****ed up pass straight to the opponents leading to a fast counter attack... Luckily I could "read" the ball and do the perfect aerial to deny the backboard bounce probably leading to the equalizer. These are usually very difficult balls to defend.


4) https://i.imgur.com/Gsp8in9.mp4

Perfect double tap pass. Look how the air control mode snaps in two times. :-)


5) https://i.imgur.com/dePn1e5.mp4

Smurfing in C2. Luckily they missed that easy ball at the backboard giving me a nice pass to that wonderfull aerial.


6) https://i.imgur.com/ZfqGGZA.mp4

Clean double tap on my smurf in 3S. The others were C3. I controlled the boost, the bot did the rest.


7) https://i.imgur.com/JgMMm39.mp4

Aerial from left to to right side of the net leading to a beautiful pinch goal. Me only controlling the boost @ 2100 casual mmr.


8) https://imgur.com/2GdbKAb

Overtime double tap. Aerial start from wall done by myself. Rest boost control and aiming by aerial bot.


9) https://imgur.com/nrZObY4

Airdribble from corner to the net. Start by me, then bot.


10) https://imgur.com/aPthBo5

Double tap. Started the aerial very bad cuz of backward momentum. Still could handle it because of boost management. Overtime goal @ 2100 cas mmr.


11) https://i.imgur.com/QVwMpuR.mp4

reWASD (half flip back) + Aerial Bot


12) https://i.imgur.com/hC7zUXz.mp4

Nice training shot, when you know how to start the aerial and use the boost properly.


13) https://imgur.com/ptrDFlu

Kick-Off Bot for the flip, I dodge into the wall leading to a very powerful kickoff. Aerial bot then scoring it.


Aerial bot fails:

1) https://i.imgur.com/ZGgjKp0.mp4

When above ball suddenly my cars nose moved up. I had ~50 boost left, ball wasn't even super sonic and usually could have touched it a second time to force some pressure on the opponents. They could easily catch it and counter attack. When you are above the ball you need to take care, that the bot doesn't mess up. I think it has to do something with the "aim at the goal" feature and the incoming floor bounce read.


[... more coming soon]

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    RocketLeague Dev

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Nice, keep the gameplay videos coming

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Added 2 beautiful goals and 1 fail.

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hey thank you for sharing. Maybe you can dive deeper and tell us something how you integrate the bot in your actual gameplay and how the bot is configured. Do you use autoboost? Aim to goal? Played with M&KB or controller? When controller which controls mapped you were? What do you think about the ball prediction and the demo bot or the other features. 

Sorry for so many questions but you are a pretty advanced player and I would like to hear some insights and also maybe some of your thought process behind it.

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I answered you a couple of these questions in an earlier thread:



In general i can say that you should not play with auto boost / automation at all. Do the boosting stuff on your own. Keep in mind that the bot calculates your speed, too! ETA to the ball is important and that's why you need to get a little feeling for that bot. It does quite a good job and once you know were it might fail, use your own skill. When you can start to combine that you will definitly get a skill boost. My mates told me recently "dude you improved so much on these defense power shots towards our walls" => basically the shots you need to aerial towards your own goal with ball cam on etc.. awkward handling in general but there the bot does an insane job. I denied many potential double taps :-D


Feel free to test my settings I use right now with Fennec / Octane. I tried the Dominus recently and felt not that well with aerial control mode. Too many weak shots, maybe I should tweak the settings to focus more on the center of the ball for this car... However, I usually dont play the Dominus in a competetive environment. Also I play with reWASD. Check out, what you can do in combination with reWASD half backflip and aerial bot ;-) 

Enable Prediction = true
Only In Goal = false
Intersection Point = false
Intersection Type = 1
Intersection Size = 4.000000
Prediction Type = 1
Line Width = 2
Line Color A = 120
Line Color R = 255
Line Color G = 0
Line Color B = 218
Fade Out Line = true
Intersection Point Color A = 255
Intersection Point Color R = 255
Intersection Point Color G = 255
Intersection Point Color B = 255
Performance Lines = false
Iterations = 250

[Boost Timers]
Enable Boost Timers = true
Show Circles = true
Show Text = true
Text Lowering = false
Font Size Index = 2

[Boost Display]
Enable Boost Display = true
Show On Team = true
Show On Enemy = true
Show Bars = true
Show Numbers = false
Persistent Background = false
Background Type = 1
Background Color A = 150
Background Color R = 255
Background Color G = 255
Background Color B = 255

[Chat Messages]
Show Chat Messages = true
Show Enemy Messages = false
Show Team Messages = true
Team Colored Messages = false
Show Chat Window = false
Chat Window Auto-Scroll = true
Alpha = 220

[Wave Dash]
Enable Wave Dash = false
Orient Only = false
Orient Towards Ground = true
Continuous Mode = true
Wall Dashing = true
Legit Wall Dashing = true
Dodge Direction = 1
Wave Dash Hotkey = 164

[Demolition Bot]
Enable Demolition Bot = true
Auto Boost = true
Always Boost = false
Demolition Bot Hotkey = 162

[Aerial Bot BETA]
Enable Aerial Bot = true
Use New Aerial Controls = true
Aerial Mode = 3
Take-off Height = false
FreeStyle Control = true
FreeStyle Control Orientation Mode = 0
FreeStyle Until Distance = 120.000000
Enable Starting Velocity = false
Starting Velocity = 1426.000000
Height = 370.609985
Enable Automation = false
Auto Boost = false
Boost Till Distance = 100.000000
Always Boost = false
Auto Drive = true
Drive Backwards = true
Match Speed = true
Aim At Goal = true
Facing Goal = false
In Safety Zone = true
Safety Zone Distance = 6000.000000
Automatic Correction Values = false
Use When on Ground = true
Use When Normal Aerialing = true
Use When Freestyle Aerialing = true
Ground Correction = 1.500000
Normal Aerial Correction = 85.000000
FreeStyle Aerial Correction = 126.300003
Ground Risk Factor = 10.080000
Normal Aerial Risk Factor = 7.960000
Freestyle Aerial Risk Factor = 10.080000
Aerial Bot Hotkey = 70

[Mini map]
Enable Minimap = false
Scale = 1.750000
Position X = 0
Position Y = 0
Show Boosts = true
Show Boost Timers = true
Show Chat Messages = true
Show Minimap Borders = true

Automatic Air Sensitivity = true
Hide Nameplates = false
Set FOV = false
FOV = 110.000000

Combo reWASD and aerial bot:



When you get familiar with how the bot controls your car and you know exactly how boost impacts your speed. Watch out for how I use my boost and hwo I start my aerial. I already aim for the point, where I want to hit the ball:




You will always have a small percentage of bad luck when using the bot. It can happen that you hit the ball with your wheels and **** the shot up or it simply misses the ball on more awkward angles. If you get used to the airrolls you can calculate it more and more when you should maybe stop using the bot mid aerial and hit the ball with the topper or nose to get more power. It's very detailed overall, I know. But it's mighty once you get used to it.

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added shots :)

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nice config thanks for sharing bro

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Thank you for your config. I'm now also very happy with this tool. Maybe I do my own review later. But for now there I have some issues with the Aerial bot. I use your config and key bindings.



The first issue where you posted a video where the bot totally miscalculate the height of the ball. When you try to make a fast air play where you have  two - three touches (not air dribble where you are close) and you have a bit of distance to the ball the bot put the nose to the air without any reason. I don't know why this happens to me really often because you can catch the opponents often off guard with a fast air play in my rank (diamond 1).


The second issue is that the bot have problems to reach balls exactly above you. Instead of pulling the car back/nose up the bot aims under the ball and misses the ball entirely. But I'm really sure that you can hit the ball really easy in those situations. Sometimes I notice it fast enough and I can go "semi automatic" and take over the control. 


The last issue is that the bot sometimes misses the ball in the enemy corner. I think the bot tries to hit it towards the goal with the wheels or the hood but in this situation it would be better to aim for a solid hit that the ball bounces off the corner instead of going for a real crazy angle. 


Overall  I really like the Aerial Bot, but I think there are some "easy" fixes that can improve the bot even more. Maybe some of those things can be fixed with a config change (last thing when you disable the aim to goal option but yeah I like that option for the most scenarios). I really like that suggestion to have multiple presets for the Aerial bot that you can switch on the fly (or more bind to different buttons) maybe to just have two different. 


@Heisa If I replace the config via python script during the runtime how I can trigger the tool to reload it from the config file? Or is this not possible? This would be an external easy solution where you have a folder with n different configs and you can reload the config during runtime. 

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Yeah you are right... That's why I played even more with different configs and I found a solution. I gonna post the config later this day. This one is nuts. I did some crazy shots yesterday. Still, sometimes it struggles when you are heigher than the ball.


@Heisa: I got a huge performance issue when running the RL-Hack and Gif Your Game, that's why I stopped using Gif Your Game... I dont know what it is, but e.g. when I use the kick-off bot and Gif Your Game is running my FPS drops significally to 120 instead of 245-248 FPS usually when using the kickoff bot. Same for aerial bot but not that worse. Any Ideas?

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Hey okay regarding your Gif your Game problem I cannot really help but there are several threads on reddit that users have frame drops with Gif Your Game. Maybe the load on the CPU with both tools enabled is too high. I use the in windows integrated game DVR for creating short clips. I have no issues with it and GoS. 


Do you have any updates for me with your updated config? I also created an own thread http://gamingonstero...t-incosistency/ with a collection of "fails"  https://imgur.com/a/jpDQoiD . Like I mentioned it is raw footage 30s and each clip contains one ore more "fails". 

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