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Dynamically changing parameters, quick switch, more.

Request New Feature

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I've had mixed experiences so far with it.

Mostly due to the program behaving erratically. Simple shots, properly lined up are some times executed correctly, and others grossly missed. I'm talking boosting 3 cars away from the ball instead of hitting it, actively boosting away from a ball that was straight on.


On other opportunities, mostly on kickoffs, it looks like depending on ping (even slight changes, say, +-20ms) shots can also change quite a bit, sending it from the goal, to the right in the corner, to the corner of the map.


So here come the requests:


  1. Dynamically changing parameters.

    We know the program has a lot of data that it extracts from the game. For sure ping is among them.
    I think it'd be possible for the program to dynamically move parameters depending on the detected ping, automatically correcting values, and warranting the intended behavior.
  2. Quick switch

    Sometimes we'd like to have 2 or 3 different kick offs depending on who we're facing, or, again, on ping. So having a key to switch over - say - 5 different presets would be nice.
  3. Storing modified parameters

    Some stuff, like minimap coordinates don't get saved, so you have to manually set them up on every injection.
  4. Minimap goodness

    Add a semitransparent background to the minimap. The colors of the dots are too similar to the sky, etc, and get lost. Having a dot glow when, for example another car is rapidly coming towards you (for a demolition) or the ball (a teammate going for the ball) would be really useful so we can evade, or not hit the ball unnecessarily if our teammate has a better position.


It's a really stable program, haven't had crashes or other issues like that. It's just not reliable.

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