Hey PS,
Been busy with other projects, but this was brought to my attention.
I took a look at your script. Mostly looks good to me. Very well done, goodjob.
Very clean. But simplicity might be underlying issue. Take this with a grain of salt though.
I'm currently make a few scripts of my own as well. I have an Annie templated out it's slightly different. I remember the same issue.
So, I want to try to help the best I can, more veteran guys might be more help.
I'll try to debug a bit when I have some free time. Was wanting to add some prints in there to see exactly what's going on as it skips R/doesn't hold on to other skills, which goes into combo seems to require a bit more logic behind it.
Range for R is smaller than max Q & W, Hold till in that range to unload, I was able to get it to use R first a few times while playing around but I believe I was just sitting still and had enemy moving towards me. Might be of some incite.
In my testing yours seems to default to E>Q>W which is fine for being at 3 stacks then using combo to E>R>Q>W.
Dodge only dangerous for reference when spacebar for combo is used.