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New user. please give me some advise, thanks!

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Im back to league, with Scripts obv.. been using # till ~2016. so pretty lost down here.

seems like internal is no longer updated, which also can mean that internal is un-useable, and only option we have is external right?

is vip? subscription? for external 'MUST' thing? or there is a free version?

if there is free version, whats the diff between the paid one and non paid ones.

would like to test it out before i make any payment if there is a free version! haha

P.S. playing on garena.

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    You donut

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Hello, welcome! And yeah only EXT is available and it's paid. Not much though only 15 euros!

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Hello, welcome! And yeah only EXT is available and it's paid. Not much though only 15 euros!

thanks mate!

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