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Detection method and bans.

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Hello, did no script for a while and thinking about giving/selling my accounts since I am not playing lately so I have a question about how RIOT are managing past script usage? For instance, do they keep record of everyone who scripted and do a big banwave or they just banning via ticket/proof?  
TL;DR are my accounts safe if I scripted half a year ago or they are flagged and will go down eventually?

PS: I did not care and I would not care if my accounts are banned for scripting, I just do not want to be in a situation where I sell/gift my account and it is banned after my friends spend money on it.

Edited by dudela, 14 September 2021 - 05:26 .

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Hello! Your accounts should be fine but I don't get one thing, do you want to come back to scripts or play without scripts now? 

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Hello! Your accounts should be fine but I don't get one thing, do you want to come back to scripts or play without scripts now? 

Thank you for your anwser. I am done with league and therefore scripting, I just remember they were making huge banwaves with flagged accounts. I just wanted to be extra sure that after I sell accounts they are not banned for scripting in the past.

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You're welcome, we never know 100% how rito handels those stuff but I doubt anything will happen to those acounts since they're safe for a while.

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Hey there, it is a great thing that you were able to bring this topic up as I was wondering about the same thing. What I do know is that they keep a record of everything aside from the ticket that is given. For sure your account is safe as long as you are the only one who has access to it.

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