nice 1
wow okey clean
Still under development, and I'd have to ask one of the programmers or the moderators here for permission to post it, but thanks for looking into it.
im sure you dont need to ask you can post and yeah well done but you can give us a try dude
Still under development, and I'd have to ask one of the programmers or the moderators here for permission to post it, but thanks for looking into it.
Feel free to share with a virustotal result/link.
any idea when you'll be able to finish? I'm really looking forward to it!!
any idea when you'll be able to finish? I'm really looking forward to it!!
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
ill try it if i can access it
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
of course can i inject with xenos64?
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
we know
we dont care if the addon isnt perfect just give us a try man
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
we know
we dont care if the addon isnt perfect just give us a try man
Yes please
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
The problem is that it isn't perfect, and I need feedback so that I can release it tonight. Please leave thorough feedback on this thread so that I can develop it further.
Oh yeah, if you let us access it I'll give you feedback! Pls haha
I'm open for testing, I'm a 5k Hour freestyler, GC.
I'm down to test it out to, need to practice the use of the helper with some game sense too.
Guys, he is not releasing it.
Guys, he is not releasing it.
Posted 02 November 2021 - 01:33
what makes me a liar? i just said id release it and u dont really have any proof just because i made my account recently doesnt make me a liar really i have another account i just forgot the password to it my account is @stim so no im not a liar i just didnt get to releasing it.
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